Now's The Chance

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Willow had been testing the waters as the saying goes with Zacky for a few weeks. She had been flirting with him and he had been flirting back, except for the last week. She didn't quite understand it though.

"Now's your chance. He's standing there at the concession by himself." Lacey bumped her shoulder against Willow's.

She was trying to get her to confess how she felt about Zacky to him.

"You're right. I'm going to do it." Willow nods as she stood up.

She started walking over there with a smile but her smile faded when some girl named Gena walked up to him and they kissed. She turned around and walked back over to Lacey.

"Well that explains why his attitude towards me changed. I just don't understand it. Like I thought he liked me but I guess he was just being nice because of my brother." Willow sighed as her eyes filled with tears.

"Awe sweetie." She rubs Willow's back. "Guys are just jerks."

"Yes they are." She seen her brother walking over so she quickly turned away and wiped her eyes.

"Hey, you two going to bowl with us right?"

"Yeah thought about it." Willow nodded as she turned back around.

"If you guys join then we can do girls versus boys."

"How? We can't do it on one lane, it only allows you to put in six names, we have 8 people."

"Actually we have 9 if you include the girl Zack is with." Lacey pointed out.

"Yeah." Willow rolled her eyes, "If she even plays, she might break a nail."

Her saying that made her brother snicker as the rest of them joined them.

"Who might break a nail?" Zacky asked.

"Not important." Willow shrugged.

They decided instead of just putting individual names, they would putt girls on one slot and guys on another. It was still an even amount of players because Gena didn't want to play.

"So have you decided on who you're going to have as the bass player? Because this one you have now isn't the best that's for sure." Willow smirked.

"Not yet, but we've been looking." Brian shook his head.

"I know someone, he's really good. You guys should give him a chance. His name is Johnny Sewerd."

"Oh we know who he is, we were in the same grade as his brother." Matt pointed out.

"I think he would be better than this guy you have now. I've seen Johnny play and he's not got that cocky attitude while playing unlike this Damian or whatever his name is." Willow shrugged with a smirk.

"Wait, you think he does?" Jimmy asked.

"I do, and who plays bass with a guitar pick? Every bass player I've seen uses their fingers." She giggled, which with her comment made everyone laugh.

"So you're basically telling them to kick their bassist out and chose this guy who you think is better?" Gena popped off.

"Well not exactly, I'm just giving them my opinion is all." Willow shrugged, "They don't have to take it."

"And my sister's opinions matters. She's been one of our supporters from the beginning." Jimmy smiled as he draped his arm around Willow's shoulders.

"Oh, you two are siblings? I thought you were together."

"God no, you're not the first one to think that though. Zacky here thought the same thing. Had others thought we were twins too." Willow smiled at Zacky.

"Well great minds think alike I guess." Gena smiled at Zacky and kissed his cheek.

Willow rolled her eyes as she got up to take her turn. She was the last to go. Once the game ended the girls boasted because they won.

"Hooya, we kicked your guys ass." Willow beamed.

"Cause we let got win." Jimmy chuckled.

"Oh yeah, right, you guys did not." Michelle laughed.

"Yeah, just admit it, you got your ass wooped by girls." Val laughed.

"We ain't admitting anything." Brian stuck his tongue out at the twins.

"Shoot, my mom's here. At least it wasn't during the game." Lacey stood up.

"Awe rats." Willow snapped her fingers, "I guess we'll see you later."

They all said their byes to Lacey then she left.

"So what are we going to do now?" Val asked.

"Well we could go to mine and Jimmy's place, hang out, listen to music and drink." Brian suggested.

"We could but my sister isn't old enough to drink."

"Hey! You can't tell me you never had a drink at my age. I'm a senior in high school."

"She's got a point there bro." Matt smirked.

"Plus who says I have to drink." Willow smiled with a shrug.

"Okay okay, fine." Jimmy grinned. "Well let's go then."

They then headed to their place which was a 2 bedroom house.

"You know I was just joking about you drinking right sis? But if you do, you need to let mom and dad know you're gonna be staying here but don't tell them about the drinking. They would kill me if they knew I let you drink."

"Of course I won't tell them, you and me both would be in huge trouble duh." Willow giggled then turned on some music.

"Beat me to it." Brian chuckled.

"Yeah well it was too quiet."

Just then Zacky walked in alone.

"Hey Zacky, nice of you to join us, where's the new girlfriend?" Willow asked with a little bit of attitude as she poured some drinks and handed him one.

"I took her home. She has to work in the morning."

"Well that sucks she's not here." She secretly smiled to herself that Gena wasn't there.

She knew she should be hurt by the fact he has a girlfriend now after they were just flirting with each not long ago, but she couldn't bring herself to act like she was mad. She still acted the same way towards him.

A few hours later Matt and Val had left. Brian and Michelle ended up in his room while Jimmy decided to go to his own room to lay down.

"So what are you planning on doing after high school?"

"Wanting to go to college, I'm just not exactly sure what to major in yet."

"I'm sure you'll think of something. Oh did you hear? I'm coming out with my own clothing line, with my brother, Matt's help anyways. It's gonna be called Vengeance University."

"Sounds like a college." She giggled, "I like it. I bet it'll have some cool designs."

"Oh it will." He nods.

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