Finding out

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Throughout the night Willow tried breaking the bars on the bed to break loose but wasn't having any luck since the bed was metal.

"Morning baby." David smiled at her, "You sleep good? Hopefully you got some sleep."

"Fuck you, you sick fuck." She groaned.

"We can do that but someone's not ready." He smirked, "But it wouldn't take long being how I'm around your beauty." He rubs his hand on her chest.

"Leave me alone you Bastard!" She scooted away from him.

"Now now don't be like that." He pulled her back then got on her grabbed her chin and kissed her lips, "I want you to kiss me like you mean it. But first we have to get more content." He started filming again, "Now kiss me like you mean it." He kept a hold of her as he kissed her, she kissed him back but out no emotion in it.

He deepened the kiss as he used few hand to explore her body.

He broke the kiss but kept his face close to hers, "I want to try something new with you. I know you'll love it."

He then stood up on his knees, puts her legs on his shoulders, he then slid into her ass.

"Ow! You son of bitch!" She tried breaking her hands away from the headboard so she could get away again but still wasn't working.

"It'll feel better I promise." He thrusted in and out of her, making her whimper.

"Leave me alone!" She cried out.

"That's not moaning, now you know I want you to moan for me baby."

"No!" She sniffled.

"Do it! Now!" He smacks her hard between her legs making her flinch.

She bit her lips together as she whimpered.

"That's a little better, but you can do better than that. I know you can."

Once he was done he kissed her, "You rest up babe, I'm sure you're hungry so I'll fix you something to eat. Gotta keep your strength up." He then stopped the filming.

"If you're gonna kill me get it over with, end this torture." She cried.

"Of course I'm not going to kill you, I love you." He kissed her cheek then left the room.


The guys were relaxing after their show that evening when Zacky pulled his phone out to call Willow but he got an alert for an email from her.

"Well then." He smiled to himself as he opened it.

He then noticed the video attached but when he opened it he had to quickly turn the volume down.

"Holy shit dude." Brian laughed hearing the sounds and thought he was watching a porn video, "At least wait till you're by yourself since you couldn't wait to be around Willow." He joked. He then noticed the look of sadness on his face and rushed over, "Zack, what's wrong?"

Zacky couldn't speak, he was too upset tossed his phone.

"Zack, man talk to us." Matt clapped his hands a couple times.

Johnny grabbed Zacky's phone to see why he got so upset when he seen the video paused on Willow's face, his eyes got wide as he backed out of video quickly.

"She.. she... cheated on me. With him, she's back with him, and they filmed it and sent it to me to rub it in my face." Zacky stuttered out.

"You mean Willow? No way man! She would never do that, she loves you." Brian shook his head.

Zacky stood up yelling, "Then explain the video of him fucking her! Of all people she could do it with she's doing it to the one person who hurt us both! Then had the audacity to send me a video of it!"

"You can't be serious?! You're talking about David? No fucking way she would do that on her free will man. Plus he's in prison." Matt spoke up.

"Obviously not! She was with him, on her hands and knees as he fucked her! Not once but twice! And it was clear she was enjoying it because of her sounds!" Zacky was livid, not realizing the whole situation.

Matt smacked him on the back of the head, "You're a fucking idiot if you think any of that is true! There has to be a logical explanation behind that and we're going to find out! Willow would never fucking cheat on you Zackary, you're her whole world!" He then looks at Brian and Johnny, "We're rescheduling the last two shows, we have to get Zack home to her now." He then walked to the back of the bus.

Zacky collapsed on the couch on the bus and put his head in his hands. "I am a fucking idiot. How could I think like that about her. She's going to be so pissed at me for leaving her and thinking like that about her." He tried fighting the tears but couldn't.

Johnny sat down next to him and rubbed his back, "No she won't man. Especially not if we can help it."

"I just I don't understand how he's out of fucking jail already." Zacky looked at them through his red eyes.

"This is pure bullshit man! First she loses her brother then months later she goes through this shit." Brian grumbled.

"And the worst part of it is I wasn't there to protect her like I promised I would. I fucking promised Jimmy I would always protect her and I've failed them both." Zacky sniffled.

"No one knew this would happen to her. That asshole is going to pay for what he's done to her again." Johnny told him.

"He's going to pay majorly." Zacky cracked his knuckles.

They didn't realize Matt Berry had grabbed Zacky's phone after Johnny had set it down until he spoke up as he sat down on the other side of Zacky, "Look at this, she definitely isn't doing it for her own liking."

"Are you fucking seriously watching that shit?! Really man?!" Zacky fumed trying to grab it from him.

Matt Berry jerked it away from him, "Because I was trying to decode it, I promise, not doing it for sick reasons you may think, I promise." He showed Zacky the video again, but on a part she looks at the camera and mouths 'Help me' "See, he's forcing her to this shit man. Right there she mouthed help me. And then look." He slowed the video down, "He has her handcuffed to the fucking bed, he's a sick fuck!"

"Oh he's definitely getting it now." Zacky groaned.

Just then Matt walked back in, "Okay, good news the shows have been cancelled for now. We just have to make them up at a later date. What's going on?"

"I just proved to Zack that she's being forced to do that crap by that sick fuck. He had her handcuffed to the bed and at one point she looks at the camera and asks for help."

"Fucking hell, that bastard." Matt groaned out.

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