For Better Or Worse

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When it was time for everyone to leave, Zacky let Johnny and Lacey take the twins for the night.

He then climbed into bed and kisses her shoulder softly.

Feeling him in behind her she rolls over, cuddling up to him, letting her emotions take over, she began crying. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, hey it's okay." He spoke softly.

"I'm sorry I'm a bad mom, and I haven't been a good wife lately either. It's so horrible that the twins don't even want me except when I feed them. So, so I don't blame you if you want to take them and leave. You deserve someone who can actually help you take care of the twins. Something is wrong with me." She cried into his chest then pushed him and sat up, "It's best if you do leave, with me being the way I am right now. I'm sick, and it can't be good for you and especially for the twins."

He sat up, "I'm not leaving, ever. No matter what you think you want."

"But it would be better that way. I'm sick in the head right now." She started to get up but he grabbed her and pulled her back to him.

He lightly grabbed her chin and made her look at him then moved his hand to the side of her head, "I don't care that you're sick, I mean I do care but baby, I'm here for you the way it needs to be and I will help you get better. I'll support you no matter what, because when I married you, I meant every word in those vows we spoke on our wedding day, in sickness and in health. And I plan on being there no matter what you may think you want or need or even think you deserve or don't deserve." He wipes away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, "I love you I unconditionally, through everything. And I'll never stop loving you, never have despite everything we've been through and never will." He then stands up, "I know something you need and this time I'm not going to take no for an answer. You need some fresh air, away from the house." He pulls her out of bed.

"But I don't feel like going anywhere Zack. I don't have the energy to. Plus we can't just leave, what about the twins?"

"They're fine, Johnny and Lacey has them."

"Seriously?! They're too young to be away from us. And what if something happens to them?! Their bodies aren't like normal babies because they're premature Zack!"

He put his hands on her cheeks, "Trust me, they're okay. One night isn't going to hurt. And both Johnny and Lacey know our numbers, plus it'll give them some practice for when they have their own baby." He winked. "Plus, I had the same doubts about them taking the twins for the night too because of them still being fragile but I got assured they would be in excellent care."

She takes a deep breath, "Okay, well I guess since it's just us, on the beach."

She walks out of the bedroom, with him following and grabs the bottle of strawberry St. James Wine and opens it.

"Good choice." He smiles.

"Mhm, I remember James thought it was awesome there was a winery with his name in it. I remember he made a point to go to there." She says as they walked out of the house.

"I remember that, he had a blast, I think we all did." He intertwined his fingers with hers.

As they walked she laid her head on his shoulder.

"You feeling any better now that you've had a good nap and some fresh air?" He says as they got to the beach area.

"Not really." She sighs. "I'm sorry."

He drops the blanket he had brought and makes her face him, "Don't be." He pulls his phone out, bringing up a Playlist and starts playing music in a low volume, "Let's dance, music helps people feel better." He wraps his arms around her waist.

"Babe, I don't feel like it." She frowned.

"Please? For me?" He gives her his best puppy dog face.

"Oh my God, you know I can't resist that face." She snorted.

"I know." He gave a cheesy grin as they began swaying.

She lays her arms on his shoulders, resting her hands on the back of his head. He smiles as he rests his forehead against hers.

"I love you Willow."

"I love you too." She said softly.

He stared into her eyes as 'Heaven' by Byran Adams played and he sang along quietly with the song.

"We played this at our wedding, it was our first dance."

"Yup, it is. That's why I have it on this Playlist, along with a few other songs that describe how I feel about you." He moves her hair behind her ears then kisses her.

She sighs as she kisses him back, "How can you want to kiss me, I've gained so much weight."

"Because you're still beautiful inside and out to me Willow, and you just had two babies growing inside you so it's understandable to still have some pudge. I mean look at me I have some." He pulls away, grabbing some of his stomach and shaking it, "But see mine isn't from growing not one but two miracles inside me like you did."

She smiles lightly, "You're too good to me, you know that."

He rubs his thumb over her cheek, "There's that beautiful smile. And I'm only speaking the truth, and you deserve the best because you are the best. You're one of the strongest people I know."

They decided to lay and look at the stars, cuddled up next to each other. As they laid there he grabbed her chin, made her look at him and began kissing her.

She kissed him back as she slowly put her hand on his chest and nudged him back, "I can't, we can't do this."

"It's just kissing. If it's because of us being on the beach, I highly doubt anyone will catch us, it's the middle of the night."

She groaned as she sat up, "It's not because we're on a beach damnit. That's not my concern, my concern is the fact that I don't feel comfortable in my own body right now let alone have my husband kissing and touching it."

He sat up next to her, "Then do something about it. Baby, I told you that you're beautiful no matter what, I didn't fall in love with your body I fell in love with what's in here." He pointed to her heart, "But if you don't feel comfortable with yourself then do something about it, you're the only one who can change how you feel about yourself because no matter what I say, you're still gonna feel the same way. There's multiple ways to better yourself and you're the only one can do it. Take walks daily, do some exercises, seek professional help, but whatever you do, I will be here to support you all the way."

"Wow." She stood up, "Nice subtle way to say I'm fat is to tell me to exercise thanks."

He quickly stood up, "Oh my fucking God Willow! I wasn't telling you that you had to, I was making a suggestion on things you could do to make yourself feel better."

"Yeah I'm sure." She rolled her eyes, grabbing the wine bottle and walking away.

"Just like when you were pregnant, damned if I do damned if I don't!"

"What the fuck ever! Fuck you! Don't bother even coming home."

"In case you forgotten, it's my house too."

Once they both walked in she stormed into the bedroom, locking herself in.

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