Need You Now

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"So there's nothing you can do?" Zacky asked an officer.

He had wanted to go to the authorities as soon as he had a chance and Brian went with him for support.

"Have you witnessed him assaulting Miss Sullivan or have you seen any marks on her?"

"Well no, but she has the signs of someone being abused. What I mean is she mentioned he has a anger problems, and when I asked her if he laid a hand on her she hesitated. I had to ask her multiple times before she finally answered, she said he didn't but I don't think she was telling the truth."

"Then I'm sorry sir, there's nothing we can do if you haven't actually witnessed anything or if she hasn't come to us."

"She's probably too scared to come forward. We have seen first hand how mad he's gotten but he's never actually laid a hand on her, not when we're around anyways." Brian said.

"I'm sorry, I understand she can be scared to contact the authorities herself but that's the only way we have investigate since she's not a minor."

"So we basically have to wait til he loses control and does something horrible to her." Zacky grumbled.

"Unfortunately, I'm sorry."

"Gah fuck!" Zacky groaned and stormed out of the police station with Brian following, "This is bullshit!" He yelled once he was outside.

"It is bullshit but unfortunately we can't do anything." Brian sighed as he patted Zacky's shoulder.

"What if he finally loses control and kills her?"

"No, don't think like that. We have to think positive. Next time you talk to her, talk her into going to the authorities."

"You bet your sweet ass I will."

A few weeks later

David was out celebrating with his team on a win. Willow almost wanted to surprise him by showing up but knew not to because last time she did that he got really angry with her and made her pay for it.

Every time he would hit her he always did it in a spot that wasn't visible with clothes on.

As she got out of her design club, she turned her phone back up and her phone beeped indicating she had a voicemail. She picked up her phone to realize she had a missed call from David.


She decided to listen to the voicemail before calling him back, but it was a mistake. What she heard on the other line made it feel like a thump form in her throat. Apparently David butt dialed her during him being sexually with another girl.

She swallowed the lump knowing she had no right to get upset because she had been cheating on him with Zacky.

"Hey babygirl, why are you calling late, is everything okay?" Zacky answered when Willow called him.

"Yes, everything is okay, just felt like talking to you. I'm sorry if I woke you." She spoke softly but it cracked a bit.

He caught the tone in her voice, "No I was awake. What's wrong? Did he hit you?"

She scoffed out, "No he didn't hit me Zack fuck he's not even here tonight. He went out of town for games." She sighed then asked, "What do you have planned for this weekend?"

"Nothing, probably hang with the guys but that's about it. What about you?"

"Just got out of design club, it ran later than normal. You're what, an hours drive? Want to maybe come see me? Please? I just I really need to see you."

"I think that can be arranged, but what about him? I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Please." She scoffed, "He's got more away games so he's not going to be home til at least Sunday night."

"Okay, then I'll head out first thing in the morning and we can spend the day together."

"Too bad it wasn't so late that you can be here tonight." She sighed, looking at the clock and seeing it was already after 10:30pm.

"I'm sorry babygirl."

"No it's okay, probably shouldn't be driving this late anyways."

"Yeah, especially on a Friday night."


"Why'd you choose a college so far away?" He joked.

"Meh, it's not that far, but it seemed like a good school. Had good reviews anyways."

"Everyone is really proud of you for going to college, especially your brother. He likes to tell almost everyone how his little is smarter than him because she made it into college."

"I know, he tells me almost all the time we speak how proud he is." She giggled. "Just like I'm really proud of the success you guys are getting. When I first got here though, I kept it a secret who my brother was because I didn't want to make friends that way, but I said fuck it I'm going to boast about him because I am proud how far you guys have made it. I mean it feels like just yesterday you guys were meeting at Matt's house practicing and now bam you guys are loved and recognized by so many people. It truly is amazing."

"It definitely is a dream come true. Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves to make sure we're not in a dream."

"Oh I can imagine." She giggled.

Around 45 minutes later there was a knock on Willow's door.

"What the fuck? Who the hell is here this late?" Willow spoke in a whisper.

"If you answer it, keep me on the phone just in case it's the boogy man."

"Ha ha very funny Zackary. But seriously I was planning on keeping you on the phone. I'm not expecting anyone this late." The whole time she kept her voice low as she walked to the door.

"Then why would someone be knocking on the door this late?"

"I don't know." She opened the door and her eyes got wide, "Oh my God!"

"Who is it?" He smirked into the phone.

She quickly pulled Zacky in, shutting the door behind him and started hugging him, smiling as she breathed in his scent.

"You jackass, what are you doing here?" She said into his neck.

He hugged her tighter, "Came to see you, duh."

She then broke the hug, "But I thought we agreed you weren't going to come till the morning."

"I know, but by the sound of your voice I could tell that you needed the company tonight."

She nodded as she led him to the couch, "I did."

When he sat down, she straddled him and began kissing him.

"Damn what's gotten into you?" He smirked when she started kissing his neck.

"Hopefully soon it'll be you." She whispered in his ear then nipped at his earlobe.

"Mm I like the sounds of that." He smiled as he squeezed her butt.

They placed kisses on each other's lips as they began taking off each other's clothes then made love to each other.

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