Hospital part 2

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"I feel like it's my fault she went into early labor." Zacky finally spoke up once his cigarette was half done.

"Why do you say that? Zack, it's not uncommon for women with multiple babies to go into early labor."

"Because before I left to join you guys, we got into a small fight over the fact all she wants to do is sit around. And then it didn't help that when I was on the phone with her, that bitch came and hit on me yet again, after telling her multiple times I wasn't interested." Zacky groaned out. "You know how bad it hurt to know that my wife thought I was actually with another woman? And she didn't even have audacity to stay on the phone long enough to hear me go off on that girl."

"But you told Willow that wasn't the case. It was all just a misunderstanding. And plus you have no room to talk, you thought the same thing at first when that Jackass took her."

"That was different Brian." He put his cigarette out.

"How? How was that different? You got sent that video of him and her, and your first thought wasn't he took her, your first thought was, she's cheating on me with him. And then tonight when you're on the phone with her, she hears another girl telling you to dance with her, it's only logical she thinks otherwise without knowing all the details. Especially after your guys history."

"What the fuck does our history have to do with it?"

"I'm talking about the fact that you cheated on Gena multiple times, yes it was mainly with Willow, but still the fact, you've cheated. And then her, she cheated on that jackass with you, multiple times. So technically you both have cheating under your belt."

"Oh...I guess that is true." Zacky sighs. "I need to get back in there." With that they walked back inside.

When they walked back in they seen nurses walking fast towards one of the rooms. Zacky walked to Willow's room only to discover they were in her room.

"Sir, you can't come in."

"That's my wife, what's wrong with her?!"

"She's lost consciousness. We think it's from the epidural. It's being removed now." One of the nurses explained.

After a few minutes they brought her back.

"Hey baby." Zacky smiled as he held her hand.

"Hey." She smiled back.

"Welcome back Miss Baker. We thought we were going to lose you." The doctor smiled.

"Really? I was only taking a nap."

He then explained how her heart rate dropped but they brought it back. She was also told how after taking the epidural out her vitals started becoming normal again.

After checking how far she was dilated they realized it was time to deliver the babies.

"I don't know if I can do this without the pain meds." Willow frowned.

Zacky kissed the back of her hand, "You can do it, I believe in you."

After a few pushes she was breathing heavily, "I can't do this, it hurts too much."

He kisses her forehead then places his hand on her cheek, "You can do it baby. I know you can. And James, he's watching over you and you know he believes in you and knows you can do it. Show him how strong you are." He grabs her hand with his right hand, "Squeeze if you need to."

"No, I told you, I won't do that. I can't hurt your hand. You need your hands for playing guitar." She breathed out.

"Its okay, it'll heal I promise."

"One more push and the first baby should be out." The doctor stated, once she pushed again and the baby was out he grinned, "We have a baby girl first."

Zacky was able to cut the cord then then the nurses took her over to get her cleaned up and take her vitals. But all of a sudden one of the monitors started going off.

"What does that mean? Something wrong?" Willow asked shocked.

"We have to rush you up to the OR, the other baby is distress."

"What's going on? What's wrong with him?" Zacky quickly asked.

"We won't know for sure until we pull him out by Cesarean, which we need to move quick before things get worse."

As soon as they got her ready they headed to the OR.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to wait in the waiting room until we're done. I'll come get you as soon as I can okay?"

Zacky wanted to fight to stay with her but knew it wouldn't have been no use. So he headed to the waiting room. When he walked in he got bombarded with questions.

"Well so far we have a baby girl." He smiles some, "But our boy hasn't been born yet, they had to rush Willow up to the OR because he went into distress or something. I just figured I'd come give you guys an update."

He then went up to the NICU to see Baby Nova. He found out her vitals were almost perfect despite being born few weeks early.

An hour later

"Mr. Baker, I went down to the waiting room and your family said they thought you came up here."

"Yeah I wanted to see how she was doing." He then looked up from Nova, "How's my wife and son?"

"They are doing good. We did have some complications but other than that everything else went smoothly. Turns out the baby went into distress because the cord got wrapped around his neck but he's fine. When I left they were fixing her up and going to take her to a room then should be able to see her and your son." Just then a nurse pushed a infant bed in, "In fact, that's probably him now."

"Oh thank God they're both okay and thank you." Zacky smiled.

"You're welcome sir." With that the doctor walked away.

The nurse put the bed next to Nova's, "You must be the daddy."

"I am." He grinned.

"Well these two are definitely adorable." The nurse then started to walk away.

"Thank you. Oh can I take pictures of them to send to our family?"

"Oh of course dear. We just ask if you need to talk on the phone to please take it outside."

"Okay." With that Zacky took pictures and sent them to their friends and family.

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