Need Your Help

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"Hey man, come on in." Matt said to Zacky as he stepped aside.

"Hey, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He asked as he stepped inside.

"No of course not." He shook his head as he shut the door, "What's up?"

"I came to ask a favor. With Willow's birthday coming up I want to do something special for her."

"Hey Zack." Val kissed his cheek, "You want something to drink?"

"No, I'm good for now." He sat down on the couch and rubbed his palms on his knees.

"So did you have something in mind what you wanted to do for her birthday?" Matt asked as he sat down beside him.

Zacky nodded, "I do, and I'm hoping it works out. That's where I need your help asking, with the guys and hopefully your parents."

"My parents?"

"Yeah, they still live in the same house right?"

"For now Yeah but they've been talking about selling and getting something different since it's just the two of them now. Why?"

Zacky took a deep breath and let it out, "Well I was hoping maybe if it's okay with them, that we have a small get together at their house for Willow's birthday. I want to use their garage and I um, I want to propose to her."

Matt looks at him confused, "That's awesome, but in the garage really? Of all places why there?"

"Just hear me out before you think it's weird. I know it's not exactly romantic or whatever but I want to do it there because some good things happened there. We pretty much started the band there, and." Zacky pressed his lips together a moment, "And, that's where Willow and me met. So I basically want to take it back to where it all started you know?"

Matt smirked with a smile as Val gushed, "Awe, that's so amazing. The reasoning behind why you want to do it there is romantic."

"I think we can manage to have that happen man." He patted Zacky lightly on the shoulder, "I'm sure my parents will be thrilled to help with that plan."

"Also, I want the other guys help to ask her too. You guys were there when we met so it's only logical you're there to help pop the question." He then explained what kind of help he needed from Matt and the guys.

"This is going to be awesome, I know she'll love it." Matt smiled.

"She will, she'll be so confused at first though but that's the fun of it. Just think, years ago, you said you didn't want to be a bother to her while she's attending college and now here you are together and wanting to propose. Fate definitely brought you together." Val beamed.

Zacky nodded with a grin, "It has, and I was going to wait until she was out of college, she doesn't have that long left to go but I can't wait any longer." He then took a deep breath, "And doesn't help with Jimmy talking the way he does about him and his heart condition and how he knows he's going to be gone by the time he's 30. And we're almost to that age man. Only few more years, and I hate when he talkes like that, and I definitely know Willow does too, I can tell how her mood changes when he talks like that, she'll even leave the room when he gets in those moods."

"Yeah me too. None of us want to think about that." Matt sighs with a nod.

"I just, I want him to be able to witness his sister getting engaged and hopefully walking down the aisle. I know she'll want him to physically see her experience that day you know?"

"Oh of course man." Matt nodded, "And he will get to, we'll make sure if it."

"All this happening is amazing! First Matt and me get married now you and Willow. And just to think, years ago we were just kids falling in love and here we are now, all going strong in our relationships. We've all come so far in life."

"Yes we have." Matt chuckled as he grabbed Val's hand.

"It's awesome to think about, but the relationships are prime examples of the greatest love story ever." Zacky smiled.

"It definitely is." Val nodded, "We all fell in love in school and after all these years, still going strong."

"If I wasn't so selfish and stupid, Willow and me would have been together as a couple, years ago, before now." Zacky sighed. "And she probably wouldn't have met that jackass and went through what she did."

"You weren't selfish or stupid sweetie, you were thinking of her feelings, partly anyways, when you said you wanted her to experience the college thing without having to worry about having a boyfriend that was constantly gone because of his career."

"Yeah, but she ended up having one anyways and he was gone a lot. Either hanging out with his teammates or for games." Zacky grumbled.

"Hey." Val leaned down in front of him, "Enough about that asshole. The important thing is, you two are together like it's meant to be. It's better late than never."

"Val's right."

Zacky then smiled, "Exactly, and I'm so happy she's finally my girl."

"Is she doing a lot better over all though? With everything that's happened?" Val asked as she sat down in one of the chairs.

"She is." Zacky nodded, "The nightmares have stopped finally. There for a long while she kept waking up in the middle of the night because of them. And then if we're out doing something and there's some guy that resembled him she would start to have a panic attack." He ran his hand through his hair, "We've gotten into a few arguments because she's gotten irritated about how I can be so calm about the whole situation. And truth is, I stay calm for her, that I don't let it show how bad I get pissed about the situation when I think about it. And I try not to think about it, I do but sometimes it's hard." He balls his fist as his eyes became red, "And the first week I was so mad, more at myself because of the fact he got as far as he did with her before you guys showed up. And she swears that it could have worse if I wasn't there but like I told her, that's why he freaked out so bad, because I was there when he got home."

Matt rubbed Zacky's back, "Zack, she's right. Think of it this way, what if you weren't there when he came home and he found out you had been there. The fact that you were still there did save her. Because if you weren't there, and he found out, it could have been worse than what it was for her."

"Yeah but, only because you guys showed up when you did and pulled him off, he would have kept going and we'd both probably be worse."

"Because of you Zack, because you called us to come help her get out of there while she could. Trust me, I've thought about all of this, if we would have shown up sooner than what we did." Matt shook his head, "But no matter what you both got out, that's what matters, you both survived and we can't think about the what might have been because in the long run, it's a waste of time."

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