Mood Killer

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"So have you guys found out what you're having yet?" Johnny asked as the guys sat around at Johnny's Saloon having a few drinks.

"We're having a baby." Zacky smirked.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Johnny chuckled, "I meant if the baby is male or female."

"I know, had to be a smartass. But no we haven't found out yet. She has an appointment tomorrow and maybe we'll find out then. She's only 5 months along but man I think the baby is going to be good size. I don't remember Vals belly being that big when she was pregnant with River at 5 months."

"That's because every woman's body reacts different to pregnancy man. And just cause Willow's belly is bigger doesn't mean anything bad, could be the baby is laying towards the front whereas River laid more towards the back." Matt explained.

"Look at you, being all Mr expert." Brian chuckled.

"Hey, I can't help it. Val got these pregnancy books and so I went through them." Matt smirked with a shrug. "They're actually pretty informative."

"I've heard a woman's drive becomes... stronger if you know what I mean." Brian winked and the guys all chuckled.

"Val's did that's for sure." Matt laughed.

"I wouldn't know." Zacky shook his head. "We haven't really done anything, since the night she told me. And with her being this far along, I don't want to hurt her or the baby."

"You won't man, trust me. It's good for both of you to keep the intimacy strong between you. I thought the same thing at first, but you don't want her to think you don't want her because she's pregnant."

"She definitely is more beautiful pregnant. She thinks she's getting fat though."

"Technically she is, but in a good way, for a good reason I mean." Brian pointed out.

"See, that's what I told her. And then she got mad at me for agreeing with her. Man, her hormones are horrible, one minute she'll be happy and then all of a sudden it's like someone slapped her because she'll be angry. Like earlier, she wanted to cook us lunch, and it wasn't going good and she just broke down. Then when I offered help she got mad at me for asking." Zacky sighed. "It's almost like damned if I do, damned if I don't."

"I'm sure it'll get better." Johnny smiled.

"I hope Michelle isn't like that when we have a baby on the way."

"All I have to say, is good luck when it happens." Zacky patted Brian on the shoulder.

"At least Val wasn't that bad. I mean yeah her hormones were a little crazy, which is normal to be but it wasn't that bad." Matt chuckled.

"Then you got lucky." Zacky tipped the end of his beer bottle towards Matt then downed what was left.

"Like Johnny said, I'm sure it'll get better." Matt shrugged.

"I sure hope so, fuck, I'm tired of getting my head bit off. And I'm trying to be patient I am but I can only take so much of it. And the only place I'm even allowed to touch is her belly, if I happen to lay my hand on her anywhere like her thigh, she freaks out thinking I'm trying to take it further." Zacky groaned, "Like yesterday, I started massaging her shoulders, she was fine at first and then I don't know what happened because all of a sudden her mood changed and she got upset with me. Then got mad more when, instead of arguing with her I wanted to walk out because the stress isn't good on her nor the baby." The waitress had brought them more drinks so Zacky grabbed his and down half of it. "All I wanted to do was make sure she's comfortable because I know she's not been feeling the greatest and I can't even do that with my own wife and the soon to be mother of my child and I'm just sick of it. Sick of being treated like that bad guy. Fuck." He ran his hand through his hair, "I'm sorry, we came to have a good time and here I am ruining the damn mood and complaining." He downed the rest of his drink.

"No, you're good man." Matt patted his shoulder.

"I wish it was." Zacky sighs.

"Zack, it'll get better." Johnny assured.

"And how would you know? Lace hasn't been pregnant yet so you haven't had to experience the shit." Zacky slurred some.

"Okay." Matt smacked his hand down on the table lightly, "I think it's time to call it a night."

"Meh the nights still young." Zack snickered, "But if you insist." He stood up and pulled his keys out of his pocket.

Brian quickly got up and grabbed them from him, "Yeah, you driving isn't going to happen."

"And why the hell not? I'm perfectly fine to drive."

"Right, says the guy whose slurring his words." Brian chuckled as he patted him on the back, "I'll take you home man. It'll be better that way."

"Whatever." Zacky rolled his eyes and tossed some money down on the table, "I'll pay since I ruined the night, sorry for that."

They said their goodbyes and left. As Brian and Zacky walked inside the house, Zacky had a hard time keeping quiet.

"Shh man, you're gonna wake up Willow." Brian told him.

Willow walked into the living room, "I'm still awake, couldn't sleep. Have fun?"

"I ruined the night, apparently I drank too much. And Brian here decided he's taking me home."

"It was for your own good man." He made him sit down on the couch.

"I could have drove, I'm fine." Zacky pointed out then looks at Willow as she sat down next to him, "I'm fine."

"Babe you're drunk." She giggled.

"And you're beautiful, despite you thinking you're fat. You're not fat except for here because of our baby growing." He placed his hand on her stomach, Zacky saying that caused Brian to smirk.

"Wow Zack, thanks." She rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Okay so I'm going to go now, I'll see you two later."

"Bye Bri, thanks for bringing him home."

"No problem." With that he walked out.

"Come on, let's go upstairs baby." She stood up and grabbed his hands, "It'll be more comfortable."

She got him upstairs and made him lay down then laid next to him, "So overall did you and the guys have fun?"

"We did, until I ruined the mood."

"Awe how'd you ruin it?" She ran her hand up and down his chest and stomach.

"Talking about you, how things have been going." He shrugged, "How I feel like I keep doing the wrong things."

She stopped her hand, "Wow seriously?" She sat up, "You haven't done anything wrong, it's me doing things wrong. And I hate how my mood changes baby, I do." She goes to kiss him but he moves his head.

"Don't kiss me, I've been drinking and alcohol not good for you."

She rolled her eyes, "Seriously? Wow okay, it's not like I'm drinking it, but whatever." She taps his chest a little hard, "Be that way, I don't care anymore." She blinks back tears as she laid on the edge of the bed.

"Whatever." He groaned and turned to his side.

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