Hanging out

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"So where you staying? I mean did you get a room here?" Val asked after they had been hanging out that night for a while.

"Yeah, after you told me what rooms everyone was in I was lucky enough to get one down the hall. At first the clerk wasn't going to until he saw my last name and I proved to him I personally knew you guys."

"Really? I wonder why you had to prove that." Michelle asked confused.

"Probably because with the band being famous, didn't know if I was just some crazed fan but little does he know my photos are actually photoshopped and I am a crazed fan." Willow did a evil laugh, jokingly.

After hanging out for a little bit longer they decided to lay down in their rooms.

Right as Willow got changed, there was a soft knock on her door so she went and answered it to see Zacky standing there.

"Hey what's up? How's your eye?"

"It's better than earlier. I couldn't sleep though."

She motioned him in and shut the door behind him. She then sat on her bed and patted besides her.

"So how's college life treating you?" He asked as he sat beside her.

"Not too bad actually. Some of the school work is stressful but other than that it's quite fun. The other girls in my dorm hall is pretty cool."

"So you going to join a one of those sorority houses?" He smirked.

"Hell no." She laughed, "I don't think I'm girly enough for that. Plus I don't think I'd want to go through those initiation crap they make people go through."

"They really do that?"

Willow shrugs, "I don't know actually, but either way, I like where I am living now. You know." She turns on the bed where she's sitting facing him, "As amazed as I am by your guys success you're getting, I don't let it known that I know you guys personally or that I'm related to one of the members of Avenged Sevenfold."

"Oh, Why's that?"

She shrugs with a smile, "I guess this way people will get to know me as me and not the little sister of a famous drummer you know? Then if we become friends, I know it's because of me and not because of who I know. I mean I could boast that my brother is the drummer and one of my best friends is one of the guitarists of Avenged Sevenfold." She giggled as she grabbed his hand then started playing with his fingers.

"You mean your brother is the Rev and you're best friends with Synster Gates? Like how cool is that, can you help me meet them please? They're like my favorite band ever." He imitated a college kid causing her laugh.

"Nah, I'm more friends with the other guitarist, Zacky Vengeance." She giggled, "I probably can help you buy tickets to see them though." She winked.

"Awe damn." He snapped his fingers with his free hand.

"Sorry not sorry." She smirked, "No but seriously though, I've been focusing more on my schooling than anything right now until I get the feel of being there."

"So no parties?"

"Nah, well I've only been to one actually."

"Lame." He joked.

"Yeah yeah." She smirked, "My first year is going to be the lame year but the others will be better."

"Good, you deserve to experience so much fun there."

"And I plan on it too." She then lightly ran her thumb under his eye that she hit, "On a different note though, it looks like this isn't going to be bruised that much. Good thing is you can use makeup to cover it if wanted. Or even put some make up on the other eye to make it match this one."

"That just might work." He smirked.

"It could." She nods, "So what made you want to get this?" She touched the jewelry in his septum piercing.

He shrugged, "Thought it looked cool."

"I'd be afraid that I'd accidentally rip it out if I had to blow my nose." She giggled.

"Yeah, it's one of those definitely have to be careful when doing that."

She nods with a smile then ran her thumb over his bottom lip, "I still think snakebites look hot on a guy. You definitely rock them that's for sure."

"Thank you." He smiled at her.

"I still feel bad for this though." She leans forward and lightly places a kiss on his eye.

"Don't be, it was an accident, I'm not mad about it."

"Good, I was hoping you weren't." She turns where she could lay down, "Lay with me?" He nods and scoots down so he could so she lays her head on his shoulder but he moved where his arm was wrapped around her shoulder as her head laid on him "So have you been having fun on this tour?"

"I have, it's been a blast so far." He smiles looking at her.

"Anything crazy happen yet?" She looks back at him.

"No, not really. Our fans are pretty amazing though."

"Oh I bet. Zacky?"


"I wasn't lying earlier about what I said. You are one of my best friends. Val told me how about the night at my graduation party how you looked over me the way you did when you knew I had too much to drink and you didn't want to leave me vulnerable by leaving me by myself. I never thanked you for that so, thank you for making sure I was safe."

He moved her hair behind her ear, "It was my pleasure, I didn't want some random punk to take advantage of you."

"That wouldn't have been nice."

She went to kiss his cheek but got the corner of his mouth instead.

She kept her face close to his cause she couldn't bring herself to move, "I meant to kiss your cheek sorry."

"Don't be." He said lowly.

She instantly started kissing his lips as she placed her hand on his cheek. He smiles into the kiss, deepening it as he turned to his side and began exploring her body with his hand. As their tongues danced with each other he slid his hand up under her shirt so he could feel her warm skin on his hand.

He rubbed his hand up her front and discovered she had no bra on.

He pulls away and smirks, "No bra huh?"

"Fuck no." She smirks, "More comfortable to sleep without one."

"And easier to do this." He grins as he moves, sliding her shirt up and begins kissing her bare breasts.

"Mm." She hums tangling her fingers in his hair.

As he nibbled a little she took a deep breath and tightened her grip in his hair making him hum then kissed to her neck. After a few minutes they started making love to each other.

Not long after they were done they made sure not to fall asleep together and Zacky went back to his room so no one would know what they did since it wasn't anyone's business.

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