Camping Out

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For the next week, everyone that was close to Jimmy camped out at Zacky and Willows house because no one wanted to be alone.

It was really quiet in the house, no one knew what to say then all of a sudden Willow walked out of the living then walked back with an inflatable that she had to blow up.

"What is that?" Johnny asked.

"You'll see." Willow smirked, "I had gotten it for James but forgot to take it with me on Christmas so I had figured I'd give it to him on his birthday. Sadly that's not going to happen." She frowned some as she found the where to blow it up.

She took a deep breath to clear her mind then blew it up. The inflatable was a goose that stood 3 ft tall.

"Holy shit that's a huge goose for an inflatable." Brian chuckled.

"No, no." Willow then imitated Jimmy, "It's a stallion duck!" They all then laughed remembering him saying that then chasing it. "I remember when he showed me the video, it was to distract my mind because I was having a panic attack. So when I seen this, I knew I had to get it for him."

"He would have loved it." Matt grinned.

"Yes, he would have." Willow nodded once.

"I remember when Willow came and surprised us, she jumped on Jimmy's back and he squealed like a girl." Johnny smirked.

"Or how about the time we were drinking at that hotel bar, we were all pretty wasted and he decides to take the pitcher and splash it in his face. I thought we were going to be kicked out but we weren't surprisingly. He laughed about it and cleaned it up himself, after he slipped in it." Brian laughed.

"I still can't believe you got him saying the spoonful of Jimmy bit. I remember how that day, that's after he apparently talked to you, he just kept randomly saying it." Matt laughed. "And then he would say it randomly other days."

"I'm sorry." Willow laughed with him.

"There was definitely never Dull moment when he was around." Zacky smiled.

"No there wasn't." Val shook her head.

"He's the reason, I met all you amazing people, and the love of my life." Willow beamed, laying her head on Zacky's shoulder, she then thought of something, "Didn't he get arrested one time? Something about birds?"

"Oh my God, yes. Well he's actuallybeen arrested now than once." Matt laughed, "But it was when we were in Amsterdam, it was early one morning and we came across some pigeons. He told the birds, who wasn't scared of us, that they shouldn't trust humans then he hits one as it's up in the air. The police weren't too happy and they maced him and put him in jail."

"Oh my God, then remember when he got out, he didn't take a shower so when we had a show and as he started sweating the residue from the mace got into his eyes. Poor Jimmy had a hard time seeing." Johnny chuckled.

"Ew gross." Willow giggled, "So when was the other time he got arrested?"

"It was when me, Matt and Jimmy had went to a bar. This dude wouldn't leave Matt alone, then he started running his mouth and being rude to me. Well Jimmy had enough so he punched this guy in the face. It ended up being amusing because he ran the cops in circles before they finally caught him and arrested him." Val explained.

They continued talking stories about the happy times with Jimmy.

"Man he was so crazy." Willow giggled as she laid her head in Zacky's lap.

"Yes he was." Zacky starts playing with her hair.

"So, have you guys set a date when to release the album?"

It was silent for a moment before Brian spoke up, "We haven't set one. It's not even fully finished yet. How are we supposed to? Jimmy was the main man behind this band, the main part of the reason we were even together. How are we supposed to even do this without him?"

Willow quickly sat up, "Seriously? This band is his dream just like its your guys dream. You have to continue it. You can't stop now that he's gone! That's far from what he wanted and all of you know damn well it's true." She had scan her finger around to them as she said the last sentence, "And so you have to keep doing this thing to keep his memory alive damnit, it's what he would have wanted. For us to go on with our lives, living out our own dreams while keeping his alive. Continue for him, he put his heart and soul into this album just like you guys have for the music. So show the fans, prove to the fans, that just cause we lost a best friend, a brother, that we can carry on, that life doesn't stop because we lost someone we loved so much. Do it for him yeah but most importantly, do it for yourselves and for the fans. To keep his memory alive... for-REV-er."

They all sat there shocked by her words as it sunk in.

"Holy shit, you're right." Matt smirked, "And I love how you just said forever, that's badass." Everyone agreed.

"I know I am." Willow giggled. "And thank you, it just popped into my head."

"That was an amazing speech babe." Zacky smiled, rubbing her back.

"Thank you, and I meant every word." She smiled back then her smile faded, "I just have one suggestion, if you do put a certain song on there."

"And what would that be?" Johnny asked.

"The last song James really worked on. He named it death, but as a memorial for him, you guys could change the name to be called Fiction. Like I said it's just a suggestion, but it's your guys decision in the end."

"I think that's an amazing idea!" Brian grinned with one clap of his hands.

"Oh! And if you need any more inspiration to keep going this should do it." She walked to the other room then came back with a crate with stuff from fans, "The girls and me picked these up, I think you guys would enjoy them. They're letters and other stuff from fans." She set the crate down in the middle of the room and opened it.

They then started going through the crate. Pretty soon the doorbell rang. Willow got up and checked so it was.

"Lacey, can you help me with this?"

"Uh sure." She nodded.

"Who is it?" Zacky asked.

The girls answered the door then Willow spoke, "Pizza, pizza."

But when she said that, everyone looked her way because it came out sounding exactly like Jimmy.

"Holy shit, that was awesome." Brian laughed.

"It just kind of came out without even trying that time." Willow giggled and shrugged, "But I mean, I am his little sister. But I'm going to get drinks and paper towels be right back."

When she walked into the kitchen she didn't realize that Zacky had followed her until he had pulled her to him and crashed his lips against hers. She smiled into the kiss as she rest her hands on his cheeks.

"Mm baby, what was that for." She grinned.

"Well if I need a reason, it's because you're so damn amazing." He grinned back.

"You never need a reason to kiss me." She giggled.

"Mm good." He kissed her again.

They kissed one more time then grabbed what they came for and joined the others. After they were done eating Willow stepped outside for some fresh air but she grinned when she looked up and walked back inside.

"You guys have got to come see this!"

They all looked at her confused, but get up to see what she's talking about.

She points at the moon, "Look it's blue! Blue like James eyes, I bet you that's his way to show he's looking down at us, looking over all of us as we live our lives."

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