Forgotten phone

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We drove home in silence other than the radio quietly in the back. "So you and dizzy?" She said giggling
"I'm tired, talk about it tomorrow" i said with a smile and my eyes closed. As we pulled up, I woke up and tried to check my phone. "Oh shit, I left my phone on the couch"
"Oh my"
"It's fine I'll get it tomorrow I want to sleep" we walked to our apartment, I walked to my room and fell on my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up and it was raining. It was a good day if it was raining. I went to go grab my phone and realized I didn't have it. I got up to wake abby up so we could go hang out.

"Abby cmonnnnnn" i begged her.
"5 minutes then we can go" as she threw the covers over her face.

I ran to my room and got ready. I picked out a outfit i got sweatpants and a oversized shirt. I put on some makeup and brushed my hair. It had been 5ish minutes and abby came down and came in my room with her keys. "Let's go" i slid my crocs on and skipped out the door.

We drove to Baylens and walked in. Dizzy was sitting on the couch facing the door. "I left my phone here last night we're is it?" I asked

Dizzy started smiling and tried to hide it. Baylen walked out, it looked like he just woke up.
"Oh didn't know I had intruders" as he walked to the kitched and opened the fridge.

Abby went to go wake up Kyle. I walked over to dizzy. I looked down at him sitting with his legs up so his knees were by his face.

"Dizzy.. where'd u put my phone goof"

"It's on the counter" he said trying not to smile

I walked over and grabbed it. Baylen looked at my picking it up. I turned it on and saw that my wallpaper was changed to all the boys pretending to suck cock. Other than dizzy he was up close by the camera smiling with the boys in the back. Baylen started laughing.

"You guys are so immature i love it" i laughed
I took my phone and sat next to dizzy the same way he was. It was like a ball.

I opened my phone to also see my wallpaper was dizzy and the boys. Dizzy laughed as he watched me go through my camera roll with just photos of them. They spammed it with pics.

"There goes my storage" i said as i flicked dizzys forehead.
"Ow that was my noggin" he said in his nerd voice.

I went to go check my text and oh my.
He put his number in my phone and changed his contact.

He texted himself also

Hey dizzy your so cute I love being with you😉💕

Awwwww so sweet, u too🙌💜

"You had to much fun huh" i said as i looked over at him smiling.

Everyone came out and sat on the couch. It was quiet no one was talking.
"What are we doing today?" I ask breaking the silence
"I have to film so anyone can come with" dizzy said
"I need to edit" Kyle said
And peej and baylen were going to the studio

"Ill film with you dylan!" I always wanted to be in a video.

"Kyle I'll stay with you so your not alone" abby said

"Ok im filming at like 12 so we have like an hour, we can go meet with my filmer though"

Dizzy went to his room and put in some of his merch and came out with keys.
"Let's go y/n!" I got up and said bye to everyone and followed dizzy to his car.

"So who's your filmer?"
"His names emauri hes a good kid i think you'll like him"
We drove to a hotel and walked to emauris hotel room. "MAURI BABYYY" dizzy said hugging emauri when he opened the door.

I walked in "hi im y/n" i said as emauri shook my hand.
"Well let's go film!" Dizzy said heading out the door.

Since emauri was filming dizzy I sat in the back.

Dizzy talked to the camera about i dont even know what. I got tired so I took a Power Nap.

I heard playboi carti blasting while I slept but it didn't bother me. I felt the car stop.
"Oh my she's literally always sleeping wake up y/n"
"I'm awake" i said as i slowly moved out of the car. I got out and saw we were at a dicks. Emauri walked backwards infront if me and dizzy. Dizzy wrapped him arm around me and talked to the camera.
I just smiled because I had nothing to say.
"Today were just gonna walk around and think of stuff to do today"

Dizzy Dyl💜Where stories live. Discover now