13: Buck+Eddie

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•Title: "terror"


•Warnings: talk of injury, blood, panic.

•Inspiration: The episode (2.18)

•Type: angst/fluff

A/N: Okay so like, this is such a powerful scene, especially when the people start to lift the truck. 


Eddie spends the ride to the scene joking around with everyone, sad that Buck isn't with them. As they reach the scene, they see the explosion. Knowing Buck was in the truck, Eddie's stomach drops. They quickly stop the rig they're in and jump out. When Eddie sees Buck's body underneath the truck, his only hope was in the fact that Buck was moving. Chimney, Hen, and him tried to run over, but saw the guy with a detonator. Hen pulls both Chimney and Eddie back. 

"No! I need to get to him!" Eddie shouts frantically. 

"Eddie! You can't. We go any closer, he'll set off another bomb," Hen tries to reason. 

"No. He's all alone!" Eddie shouts as Athena appears with Bobby. Bobby is quick to restrain Eddie. 

"Calm down," is all Bobby says softly. 

Suddenly, Bobby walks towards the guy with the detonator. Athena tries to stop him, but he keeps walking. The second Bobby disarms him, Eddie is sprinting. He falls to his knees next to Buck while Hen and Chimney assess his injuries. 

"I'm here, Buck. I'm here," Eddie says as the tears he had been holding in fall down his face. 

"It hurts," Buck lets out with a cry. 

"Just hang in there, baby. I'm right here," Eddie responds as he grabs Buck's hand.

"Okay, we're good to lift the truck and move him," Hen says as Eddie stands up and they all grab the truck. 

After more tries than they can count, Eddie is about to have a panic attack. His hands are shaking. He kneels next to Buck as Bobby yells to the crowd of people, kissing the back of Buck's head. As people swarm the truck, Eddie smiles sadly as they all grab a hold of the it. As the firetruck lifts, Buck's pained screams etch themselves into Eddie's mind. The second Buck is out from under it, Eddie lets go of the truck. He is quick to help Hen get Buck onto the stretcher, never letting go of Buck's hand as he is wheeled to the ambulance. As they ride to the hospital, Eddie is repeatedly kissing the side of Buck's head as Chimney works on him. 

+ + + + +

It has been hours, Buck is in surgery while Eddie is crying his eyes out in the waiting room. Anytime someone tried to comfort him, he shoved them away. As a doctor approaches, the team rushes up to her. 

"Is he okay?" Eddie asks frantically. 

"The surgery went very well, no complications. For now, only family is allowed in his room. Have you contacted any family members?" 

"I'm his sister, and this is his husband," Maddie says, motioning towards Eddie. 

"Okay, well if you'll follow me, I can bring you to his room," the doctor says with a kind smile. 

The three walk to Buck's room in silence, except for the doctor briefly letting them know they expect Buck to wake up within the next hour or so. 

"Thank you," Eddie says softly as the doctor leaves. 

Maddie sits on one side of her brother's hospital bed while Eddie sits on the other. They both grab one of Buck's hands, holding tightly. 

+ + + + +

9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star  one shots (mostly angst)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon