25: Buck+Eddie⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "I know how you feel"


•Warnings: Talk of trauma, spoilers for s6e11.

•Inspiration: This should happen in the next episode

•Type: angst?

A/N: Okay, so we still haven't gotten Buddie (and I'm starting to lose hope) but here is ANOTHER way feelings could be revealed.

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Eddie stands outside of the door, his hands slightly trembling. He shakes them quickly as he takes a deep breath. His hand slowly raises to knock one-two-three times on the wood. He shifts his weight anxiously from one foot to the other. He feels like he waits for hours-but it's only a minute-before the door is opening. He smiles when seeing Buck standing there, wearing just a tee shirt and sweatpants. Eddie tries his best to ignore how adorable he thinks his best friend is.

"Eddie," Buck breathes out with a smile.

"Hey, Buck," Eddie responds as he walks into the loft, "I just wanted to come see how you're doing."

"I'm doing good," Buck says, his genuine smile turning to a fake one.

The two of them sit down on the stools at Buck's island counter. Buck focuses his eyes on his hands as he fidgets. Eddie takes this moment to look over Buck, as if checking to see if there was a random wound.

"Where are your parents? I heard from Chim that they were planning to stay with you," Eddie says.

"They're out buying me a couch," Buck says as he finally looks up to make eye contact with the other.

"So, you finally got a couch? Christopher will be happy," Eddie says with a chuckle.

"Yeah," Buck laughs, his genuine smile returning.

"How do you feel?"

"Eddie," his smile drops into a serious expression, "what's going on? You've already asked that."

Eddie pauses and looks at his lap, "I'm just worried about you, Buck."

"Eddie, I am okay."

"You almost weren't," Eddie lifts his head to make eye contact with Buck. His eyes are quickly filling with tears. He sniffles and breaks the eye contact.

"Eddie, you know me. I'm practically invincible," Buck says, trying to listen the tension in the room.

"But you're not, Buck!" Eddie exclaims, "I got up and looked towards the ladder that night to see you hanging there! I couldn't breathe as I ran to you. I kept screaming your name just hoping you'd respond and let me know you were okay. When they didn't feel your pulse, it was like my heart stopped.

Evan, my heart completely shattered in that moment. Bobby had me drive so that I wouldn't completely break down. I couldn't even go into your hospital room. I couldn't see those tubes and wires. The only reason I did is because Chris wanted to talk to you, and that is when I started to cry. When we found out that you woke up, I swear to God that I felt my heart restart."

Buck lets out a sigh, "yeah, I know that feeling."

"No, believe me you do not," Eddie says.

"I don't?" Buck lets out a sound that's a combination of a scoff and chuckle, "why about when you were shot, Eddie? I was the one to get you to safety, such like you did for me. I watched them wheel you past the doors and I couldn't do anything. I felt more powerless in that situation than I did with any call we lost someone on. Hell, I broke down in tears when I heard you were stabilized and nearly got a speeding ticket when you woke up. I finally felt like I could breathe again when I saw your eyes, even if Ana was there."

"Buck, when Shannon died, I didn't think the pain could ever get worse. When I saw you hanging there, I was proven wrong. I can't lose you, Evan. I just can't. I wouldn't make it," Eddie says, tears spilling from his eyes.

Before he knows what he is doing, Buck's hands are gently cupping Eddie's cheeks, "Eddie, I'm alive. I am breathing, I am here."

Eddie reaches his hand up to place it on top of one of Buck's, "you better stay that way. I love you way too much to say goodbye."

"You love me?" Buck pauses, "in what way do you love me?"

Eddie's head moves before he can even form a thought. He leans forward and presses his lips to Buck's. He moves the hand that is on Buck's, placing it on the back of the other's neck. The kiss is soft but full of passion. The two fight for dominance in the kiss before Buck gives in and lets Eddie take the control. Eddie is now standing from his seat, even closer to Buck.

"I can't lose you either, Eddie," Buck says as they pull away.

"How do you really feel?" Eddie asks.

"Good, Eddie. It's been three weeks," Buck responds, "I'm cleared to return to work next week, even. Why?"

"Well," Eddie pulls Buck to his feet, "maybe it's time we finally went for the title."

Buck chuckles and follows as Eddie pulls him up the stairs, "about damn time."

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A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed the little kitchen scene reference!

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