57: TK+Carlos⚠️

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•Title: "The waiting is the worst part"

•Requester: DarrianMarks

•Warnings: Gabriel's death

•Inspiration: well, the request Ig

•Type: angst

A/N: This has taken so long because I don't think you guys really understand how much that episode BROKE me. I have rewatched the entire show numerous times since, and I breakdown every time we see Gabriel for the first time. I live in this beautiful mindset where he survived the gunshot. I also changed some things.

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Carlos presses the phone to his ear as it rings.

"Hola, Carlitos," his mom's sweet voice carries over the line.

"Hey, mom," Carlos says.

"What's going on?"

"Tell dad I spoke to TK and he can wear the cowboy hat with the tux if he-" Carlos is cut off by a loud sound-one that sounds just like a gun-coming through the phone.

"Gabriel!" Carlos hears his mom shout.

"Mom!? Mama, what's happened!?" Carlos shouts through the phone, causing TK to stand from the couch and walk over to his fiancé.

It feels like forever before Carlos can hear his mom shout-seemingly from across the room, "Carlitos, call 9-1-1! He's been shot!"

Carlos' blood runs cold as he turns to TK, panicked, "TK. Call 911. Have them send an ambulance and police to my parents' house. Now. GSW."

TK nods and pulls his phone out and walks a bit away to make the call.

"This is off duty paramedic TK Strand with the 126. I have a gsw at 56 Forrest Hollow Lane. Send paramedics and police! Hurry! It's Texas Ranger Gabriel Reyes!" TK exclaims in a rushed tone before he turns back to his fiancé, "they're eight minutes out."

"Mom, hold on, okay? Help is coming. Is he breathing? Does he have a pulse?" Carlos exclaims loudly so that his mom can hear him.

"Yes, Carlitos. He's bleeding too much, though."

"Mom, just breathe. TK and I are going to meet you guys at the hospital, okay? Just breathe. I love you mom. I love you dad."

+ + + + +

TK rushes into the hospital behind Carlos, who's sprinting towards the reception desk.

"I'm Carlos Reyes. My father, Gabriel Reyes should have just arrived with a gunshot wound," Carlos rushes out.

The nurse looks at her computer, causing Carlos to impatiently tap his hands on the granite desk.

"He is in emergency surgery. His wife, Andrea Reyes is in the third floor waiting room. You can go wait with her and someone will come to update y'all as soon as they can."

"Thank you," Carlos says softly before running towards the elevators.

He is bouncing on the balls of his feet as the lift travels towards the third floor. The second the doors open; he is back to sprinting. He sees his mom in the waiting room down the hall and skids to a stop, his heart dropping to the floor. Andrea is pacing back and forth-her hands and clothes covered in blood. The blood is dry, but it's still bright red. It's easy to see that it's blood. Within a split second, his arms are outstretched as he briskly walks to his mom. He wraps his arms around her tightly as the woman who raised him sobs into his chest.

TK decides to let them have their moment and steps aside and leans against the wall, pulling his phone out.

"TK, son, shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Owen says as he answers the phone.

9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star  one shots (mostly angst)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora