55: TK Centric⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "The real reason"

•Requester: LeaDegrande

•Warnings: this will have language and ideaologies that might be triggering to those in recovery from addiction. There will also be rape in this.

•Inspiration: the request.

•Type: angst

A/N: The attitude of the characters in this is not mine. Also, not everyone with an addiction had a severe trauma happen to them. For a lot of people, they were actually genetically predisposed to addiction. For those of you in recovery, I just want you to know that I'm proud of you. I believe in you. You can do this. For those that are in the beginning stages of recovery, had a relapse, etc, I heard someone say once that you have to start somewhere. Don't worry about being at day one. Everyone starts at day one. You can do this.

Oh, also, the characters act very out of character in this. Sorry. I was mad writing them like this.

_____ _____ _____

"Look," Marjan says softly, "I am supportive of TK and his sobriety, but should we really be throwing a party? Like good job, you haven't drank or done drugs for two years. I haven't done drugs ever and you don't see me demanding a party."

"I know," Paul agrees softly, "he acts like he didn't choose to take the drugs in the first place."

Mateo and Nancy nod in response. The four of them are huddled together in the corner of TK and Carlos' loft at TK's party. They silently look around the room. Owen and Tommy are talking with bright smiles. Judd and Grace are dancing to the music. TK and Carlos are talking with Cooper-TK's sponsor. Andrea and Gabriel are talking together.

TK hits a knife against his glass that holds mineral water.

"Hey, everyone, I'd like to say something," TK says in a soft voice as everyone turns their attention to him, "I wanted to thank all of you. I don't think I can ever put into words how grateful I am for you guys. Your support always has and always will mean the world to me."

Everyone smiles and claps for TK. Marjan, Nancy, Paul, and Mateo clap, but they don't completely mean it. They still don't completely understand.

+ + + + +

TK shoots awake in his bed of the bunk room with a scream. In his mind, he isn't in the bunk room. In his mind, he's at a party in high school. In his mind, the boy is on top of him. In his mind, he isn't safe. He, in a frantic state, falls off of the bed and pulls himself against the wall that separates him from the neighboring bed.

The others wake up and look towards him. Only one person in the room can see what's happening: Judd. He can recognize PTSD. He is the only member of the 126-other than Owen-that knows what TK is imagining. He's the only one TK told. Him, Owen, and Carlos are the only ones who know. He rushes over to the paramedic as everyone else watch in concern.

"Mateo," Judd says, "go get Captain Strand."

Mateo rushes out of the room. Judd sits on the bed near TK, careful to keep distance.

"No! Stop!" TK exclaims as he flings his arms in the air in front of him.

"TK, you're in the fire house. You're safe," Judd says in a gentle voice.

TK doesn't hear him, though. Mateo comes running back in, getting shoved lightly to the side by Owen as the father rushes in. He slides to his knees in front of TK.

"Someone, call Carlos," Owen says softly. He reaches out as TK starts punching his legs. He grabs his son's hands to keep him from hurting himself, "TK, listen to me. It's your dad. He's not here. You're not there. You are safe."

"No!" TK starts to swing his arms but Owen keeps his grip.

"You're safe. He isn't here."

It takes a few minutes of Owen gradually touching TK more, ending with TK in his lap as if he's a child again. Now in reality, TK grips Owen's shirt. He rubs his thumb over the fabric, a thing he often does for comfort.

"You're safe," Owen says softly.

TK glances up and sighs when seeing the others sitting on their own beds, looking at him in concern. Before anything can be said, Carlos comes running into the bunk room. He grabs TK's hands and pulls the paramedic to his feet.

"Want to head home?" Carlos questions in a gentle voice.

"I still have-"

"Nope. You're off shift, TK. I told you not to work today anyways," Owen says.

"It's been over a decade. I thought I'd be fine," TK says in a quiet voice.

"TK, you got triggered. It happens," Judd says softly, hugging his 'little brother'.

TK leaves the room with Carlos. Just before he does, he turns to his dad.

"Go ahead and tell them."

+ + + + +

"Cap, what the hell was that?" Marjan asks softly as they all sit at the table, Owen standing and leaning against the counter.

Owen lets out a sigh, "that was TK's PTSD."

"PTSD from what?" Paul asks.

"When TK was a sophomore in high school, just fifteen years old, he went to a party. He was roofied by a kid from another school," Owen says softly.

"Wait," Marjan starts, "TK was r-."

"I got the call at like eleven. He was definitely out of it on the phone, asking me to come get him. His friend then took the call over and explained what happened. No amount of training on the job or parenting books could prepare me for that phone call," Owen takes a deep breath, "I never in a million years thought my son would be raped. Of course, nobody ever expects that, but it changed everything."

"What happened to the kid who did it?" Paul asks softly after a few moments of silence.

"We pressed charges. It was a long eighteen months before he was officially convicted."

"Wait," Marjan turns to Judd, "why aren't you surprised?"

"Oh, I knew," Judd responds simply.


"He told me," Judd says, giving no more details.

"Wait.. He was fifteen?" Nancy questions, "Isn't that how old he was when he started-."

"Yeah. That was when he started using drugs and alcohol to cope. Usually, on this day, he gets so high that he doesn't even know if his hands are real. Now, he can't get away from it," Owen says before walking away.

Mateo, Nancy, Paul, and Marjan all look at the table silently.

"Are y'all happy? You finally know the reason behind his addiction," Judd says softly, a hint of anger behind his voice, "now you can stop talking crap behind his back."

They all watch in shock as Judd walks away. They all realize, now, that they were horrible friends to TK.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: OOP this sucks lmao. I hope you enjoyed, though.

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