22: Buck+Eddie ⚠️ Final Part (s6b spoilers)

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•Title: "Waiting part 3"


•Warnings: Buck in a coma, spoilers for 6x10, etc.

•Inspiration: We didn't see Eddie in the promo, so I am adding him lmao

•Type: angst

A/N: Welcome to the final part of Waiting! This has Buddie in it, FINALLY

Recap: Christopher comes to see Buck and reveals that his father has a crush on the comatose man. Eddie breaks down once again.

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Eddie is in the hall the next day, Bobby, Athena, and Hen with him. Suddenly they see nurses rushing past them towards Buck's room. The four of them stand anxiously and move to where the hall they're in intersects with another, looking down it to see Chimney, Maddie, Phillip, and Margaret. These four are ushered down the hall to wait. Maddie's hands are shaking as Chimney hugs her tightly. Margaret and Phillip are embracing one another as well. It feels like hours-long hours-until a nurse walks out to them.

"Which one of you is Eddie Diaz?"

"Th-that's me," Eddie says, a hint of shock in his voice.

"Mr. Diaz, if you'd come with me, please," the nurse states, "Mr. Buckley wants to see you."

"See me? Y-you mean he's awake?"

The nurse kindly smiles, "yes, he is awake."

Everyone cheers before Eddie is pushed by Maddie to follow the nurse. The nurse leads him down the hall, stopping outside the door. She smiles once again before returning to the nurse's station. Eddie places his hand on the door knob, his heart hammering as he takes a deep breath, and turns it. His eyes are closed as he swings the door open. He doesn't want to look. He's terrified the nurse had lied and he'll see Buck still laying in the bed, unconscious. He does open his eyes, though. When he does, he is met with the most beautiful sight he has seen in nearly a week. Buck no longer has the tube down his throat, but still has an IV in his arm. His body is pressed against his bed, that is now angled into a sitting position. Eddie's breath hitches as his eyes meet Buck's after scanning his body. Buck smiles brightly, the expression quickly vanishing when seeing Eddie's face.

"Eddie, Eds, don't cry," Buck rushes out. Eddie hadn't even realized tears began to flow down his face.

"Sorry," he wipes the tears away, "I just didn't know if I'd see you sitting up ever again."

"I know, I'm sorry. The nurse says I was in a coma," Buck says softly.

"Yeah, and a damn terrifying one at that," Eddie says softly, sadness dripping from his words.

Buck uses his hand to weakly gesture the other man in. Eddie nods and takes a step into the room, shutting the door. He takes a deep breath as he sits down on the chair next to Buck's bed. He sits on the edge, his hands resting on the bed.

"D-did Chris come to see me?" Buck asks for a second.

Eddie lets out yet another sigh, "yes, he did. I didn't exactly want him to be here, but he begged me. He even asked for time alone with you."

"Huh," Buck says, lost in thought.

"Buck, I," Eddie takes a deep breath.

"Just say it, Eds. It's me. You can tell me anything," Buck says reassuringly.

"Evan, when I first saw you h-hanging there, I couldn't breathe. I was terrified all these days that I'd never see your eyes open again. That I'd never hear your voice or your laugh again. I was petrified that I'd never get a chance to," Eddie trails off, his hands shaking.

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