39: TK+Carlos⚠️

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•Title: "Realization"


•Warnings: talk of abuse/trauma responses.

•Inspiration: just my mind doing crazy things

•Type: angst

A/N: This once again has abusive Alex. I still think there's more to the story of them. When TK tells Owen he's planning to propose, Owen isn't happy at all.

_____ _____ _____

Carlos walks into the home and places his groceries on the counter. As he begins to put the items in their respective places, TK approaches him.

"Hey, babe," TK starts, "is it okay if I go over to Paul's? The 126 are doing a hang out tonight and I know that you have a shift, but I thought it would be fun if I went."

Carlos' face grows confused. His lips turn down into a frown while his brows furrow. This isn't the first time TK has asked for his permission to do something, but he is just as confused as he would be if it was.

"TK," he says with a soft sigh, "you don't need my permission. You're a grown man-your own person. You do not need me to give you the okay to hang out with your friends."

"R-right, yeah," TK says embarrassedly.

+ + + + +

TK and Carlos walk into their home, exhausted after celebrating TK's one year chip. They walk to the couch and fall into it. Carlos drapes an arm over TK's shoulders, the paramedic leaning into his embrace. TK is beyond grateful for the pride he sees in Carlos' eyes, but he's confused.

"Why are you so happy?" TK asks softly.

"What do you mean?"

"Tonight, at the party. You just seemed so happy," TK explains.

"I'm proud of you, TK. You're doing the work to get yourself better and healthier," Carlos feels that his reasoning is simple.

"Most people just expect I'm going to relapse eventually. You don't seem to think that," TK says softly.

"Well, the thought crosses my mind from time to time. I dread the day you might relapse. I don't ever want you to go through that pain," Carlos explains.

_____ _____ _____

TK walks into the loft to see the home torn apart. He walks slowly over towards where an exhausted looking Carlos is slumped in a chair.

"What happened here?"

"I was looking for Lou," Carlos responds before a small smile finds its way to his lips, "I got him."

"Y-you got him? D-did you-"

"No, I didn't kill him!" Carlos exclaims.

Guilt fills TK as he sees the lizard in the tank once again, "Carlos, I'm sorry. I should have asked for your permission before I got Lou. I am so, so sorry."

Carlos stands, concern evident on his face, "it's okay, TK. Nobody was hurt. You like Lou. I would do it all over again just to see that smile on your face when you look at him."

"So," TK's voice is soft and quiet, "you aren't going to leave me?"

TK's question shocks Carlos. He can't even hide his surprised expression, "what? No, TK. I'm not, ever, going to leave you for something like this, okay? I promise you."

+ + + + +

TK climbs out of the ambulance with his bag slung over his shoulder. Tommy and Nancy climb out of the front of the vehicle, joining him. The firefighters climb out of the truck, Owen walking over towards Carlos, who is walking away from the house.

"What do we got, Officer Reyes?" Owen asks.

"Suspected serial arsonist has his wife in there, holding her captive. We're worried he is going to set the house on fire to evade capture, so we called you in.

"And I assume we're here to treat fire related injuries?" Tommy questions.

"Actually, no. We came here on a suspected domestic violence call," the police officer responds.

Owen looks towards TK who tenses slightly. Carlos sees this as well but knows better than to comment on it in front of everyone.

"Okay," Owen starts, "I can try to talk him down, maybe let his wife leave. Do we know his name?"

"Yeah, his name is Alex Peterson," Carlos says, earning an almost inaudible gasp from TK.

Everyone turns to the paramedic and he coughs, trying to cover it up. Owen takes a radio that is handed to him by another officer. He turns to the team.

"Okay, 126, be ready to go in for a rescue," he says softly before he clicks the radio, "this is fire captain Owen Strand with the 126. Alex Peterson, I know that you're in there."

Carlos glances at TK to see his hand clutching the strap of his medical bag. His other hand is shaking, though he shoves it in his pocket. Carlos walks over towards him calmly and slowly. Once he reaches his fiancé, he places his hand on the small of the paramedic's back. Feeling this, TK feels a sense of safety wash over him. His walls lower and he stumbles back. Carlos quickly takes the med bag off of TK's shoulder and drops it to the ground. He pulls TK around the ambulance, out of view from the team. Most of TK's weight is on Carlos as he struggles to catch his breath. While he holds him, Carlos begins to think over what he's observed since they began dating.

TK's reluctance to discuss his ex.

TK asking for permission to hang out with people.

TK's assumption that Carlos will get mad over small things, and even accusing him of wanting to leave.

TK pushing Carlos away and breaking up with him when the relationship was becoming reliable and 'too good'.

TK not understanding why Carlos would be proud of and happy for him.

TK flinching occasionally at sudden noises, especially yelling.

TK tensing when domestic violence is mentioned.

TK beginning to freak out when hearing the name Alex, the name of his ex.

Owen never talking calmly about Alex, if he ever mentions the name.

The realization hits Carlos like a truck. The breath is knocked out of him as it does. He takes a deep breath as he tightens his grip, the realization repeating in his head.

TK is a survivor of domestic violence.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoyed!!! I have had this idea forever, lmao.

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