35: Buck+Eddie⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "Attempt"


•Warnings: suicide, cutting (sort of in detail), blood, depression

•Inspiration: Me on January 9th, 2018

•Type: angst

A/N: Okay, so some things will change, but this is mostly my story...

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The morning starts with the sun shining through every window of the Buckley-Diaz home. Carla isn't working this morning, so Buck is the one that brings Christopher to school before he and Eddie go to their shift. Their fifteen-year-old daughter, Mariana Buckley-Diaz, is in her room. Eddie assumes that his daughter is just getting dressed, but he is very wrong.

Mariana is sitting on her bed, music streaming from her radio across the room. Tears are running down her face in a cascade as she sits there. In her left hand is a small stack of envelopes, each addressed to a different person. In her right hand is a brand new, shiny, blade. She is proud of herself for lasting so long. She has known about her depression-her very severe depression-since she was twelve. She's always just assumed this is how she'd go out. Hell, she didn't think she'd still be here. She sighs as she places the envelopes next to her pillow. She shakily places the blade on her wrist as even more tears fall down her face.

+ + + + +

"Mari! C'mon, we have to leave soon!" Eddie shouts as he places his coffee mug in the dishwasher, filling his travel mug.

Mariana looks up from her position-now laying on her bed as blood is smeared all over her arms. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath before picking the blade back up from where it had dropped onto her stomach. Suddenly, she hears an all too familiar tune on the radio.

"Look at us. We could paint a perfect picture," the music plays, causing her to stop her movements.

The band is currently her favorite. She realizes that if she continues what she's doing, she'll never see them in concert, never meet them. She takes a deep breath, as if she is inhaling the strength of the world, and sits up. She swings her legs over the side of the bed before standing up. She jumps as she hears her father's fist against her door. She walks over and opens the door. His back is turned to her and she lets out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Papa," she says softly, her voice barely audible, "I think I need to go to the hospital."

Eddie looks at her and gasps. He swears he feels his heart jump into his throat. He reaches a careful hand out and grabs the blade, "Yeah. C'mon."

He guides her through the house and has her wait at the door. He walks away as she puts her shoes on shakily, blood still streaming down her arm. Eddie returns, no blade, with two towels and tape. He tightly wraps her forearms and tapes the ends of the towels down. He leads her out of the house and into his truck.

"I'll call your father and have him meet us there, okay?" Eddie is speaking softly, trying to hold himself together.

"Okay," she responds as she tilts her head to use her shoulder to wipe her face. Eddie uses the Bluetooth to dial the number as they drive.

"Hey, Eds. I'm headed from Chris's school to come pick you up," Buck says.

"Actually, mi amor, you're on speaker. Mari and I are in the truck. We need you to meet us at the emergency room," Eddie says.

"What!? Who is hurt?"

"It's me, dad," Mariana says softly.

"Evan, just meet us there, okay? She's alright at the moment," Eddie adds.

9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star  one shots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now