34: Buck+Eddie

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•Title: "Safe Space"


•Warnings: talk of anxiety and PTS

•Inspiration: The show, I guess?

•Type: fluff

A/N: Well, I hope you enjoy!

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The first night that Buck was alone after his coma, he initially felt relieved. He has never been good at letting other people fuss over him-not that that's ever been a secret. At first, having his parents fuss over him was nice-refreshing, even. However, as he laid on his couch-he still struggles with stairs-he couldn't relax. He tried every position he could think of to no avail. He grumpily grabbed his car keys and headed toward Eddie's. That was the best sleep he got since the coma-even if it was just an hour or so on the couch. This continued for the first month after he woke up. It got to a point where Eddie expected him. Every time Buck would arrive, the couch was prepared with a pillow and blanket.

Buck and Eddie kissed after the third night. Neither one knows who initiated it, or even why it was initiated in that moment. They established their relationship as partners a week later. Now, they have been together for three weeks. Nobody has been told yet-though everyone already knows and wonder when they'll announce the relationship.

If anyone were to ask Eddie, he'd deny the sense of pride he feels while Buck sleeps. He doesn't know why the man continues to come over, nor does he care. He is always happy to have Buck over. It's not hard for Eddie to figure out that buck enjoys his presence. Because of this, Eddie remains close while Buck sleeps. Usually he reads in the chair, but he occasionally sits on the floor in front of the couch while he plays video games. That's exactly what he is doing in this moment. He has one side of the headphones covering his left year while the right-the side closest to Buck's sleeping body-is off of his ear.

Buck opens his eyes and looks at Eddie. He sees his boyfriend focus on the television screen. Suddenly, Eddie turns to him and smiles gently.

"Hey, Buck," Eddie says softly as he pauses the game.

"Hey, Eds," Buck says as he pulls himself into a sitting position, bending and crossing his legs.

"Could we talk?" Eddie asks as he sits on the couch, one leg bent as he faces buck.

"Uh," Buck pauses, "sure."

"First, I love you coming over every night. It makes me happy to know that you trust me this much. Second, why do you come? Why don't you want to sleep at your place?"

"When I was in my coma, I had a really bad dream. It started out amazing, but quickly turned bad. It was what would happen if I never came to the 118. Maddie never left Doug, and they even had kids," Buck pauses, "Chim and Hen didn't know who I was, Bobby was-that's not important. The point is, you're the only one of those close to me that wasn't in the dream. So, if I'm around you, I know it's real."

"Buck," Eddie grabs his hand gently, "why didn't you tell me about this dream?"

"It didn't seem important. Besides, I don't want Bobby to ask where he was in the dream again."

"Why? Where was he, Buck?" Eddie asks, his eyes filling with concern.

"H-he was dead. Hen and I never went to his place because I wasn't there for him to throw against a locker and worry her. We never helped him," Buck says softly.

"That's why you text him," Eddie says softly as the realization hits him.

Buck nods before crawling into his boyfriend's arms. Eddie chuckles, loving when Buck gets clingy. Buck hands Eddie his controller back as he shifts and lays his head on Eddie's lap. Eddie smiles down at his boyfriend before he resumes his game. Buck falls asleep soon after, Eddie occasionally glancing down at him. At around midnight, Christopher leaves his room to go to the bathroom. As he walks by the living room, he sees Buck asleep on Eddie's lap-who is also asleep with his head resting on the back of the couch. He slowly makes his way to the couch and grabs the blanket Buck had kicked to the ground. He places it back over Buck's body, being as gentle as he can.

"Goodnight, dads."

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A/N: I was in a weird daze while writing most of this (I still am) so I have no idea what I just wrote lmao.

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