21: Buck+Eddie ⚠️ part 2 (s6b spoilers)

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•Title: "Waiting part 2"


•Warnings: Buck in a coma, spoilers for 6x10, etc.

•Inspiration: We didn't see Eddie in the promo, so I am adding him lmao

•Type: angst

A/N: Again, not much Buddie. I broke this into 3 parts because I wrote over 4000 words, oopsies.

Recap: Buck is struck by lightning and rushed to the hospital. Eddie breaks down in his shower while replaying the events before informing Christopher and Carla. He takes Chris to Hen and Karen's while he heads back to the hospital

_____ _____ _____

"Hey, any word?" Eddie questions as he rushes to where Athena and Hen are waiting.

"No, not yet. Bobby is speaking with the doctor now," Athena responds.

"I spoke with Chim. He, Maddie, and Buck's parents are on their way now. Albert is staying with Jee and Chim's parents," Hen adds.

"Okay," Eddie responds as he sits down, "I dropped Chris off with Karen."

It's less than five minutes before Maddie is running down the hall towards them, her expression frantic as tears run down her face. Chimney is close behind her, followed by Margaret and Phillip Buckley. Eddie jumps up and hugs Maddie tightly. She knows. He knows that she knows. That's why she hugs him so tightly, because they're feeling the same dread and fear. Just in a very different context. They pull away when Chimney nudges Maddie, motioning towards where Bobby was leaving a trauma bay. Athena and Hen stand as they all walk towards the fire captain.


"Evan," Margaret corrects, Maddie rolling her eyes.

"Right, Evan, has some severe injuries from the strike," Bobby continues, luckily too tired to fight with Phillip, "h-he's in critical condition."

Maddie inhales sharply, but quietly. Only Eddie and Chimney hear.

"There's more, isn't there?" Phillip questions.

"Yes," Bobby takes a deep breath, "he has been placed under a medically induced coma."

These words nearly cause Eddie to fall to his knees. His legs feel as if they're no longer there. Scratch that, his whole body feels like it's no longer there. He swears this has to be a nightmare. There is no way that Buck-his Buck-is in a coma. Eddie's heart is thundering in his chest. He feels like his throat is closing up, as if he is allergic to this news. He feels a hand in his own, fingers lacing with his. This brings him out of his head. He looks over to see Maddie looking up at him, fresh tears in her eyes. His mind is still spinning as he looks around. Athena is hugging Bobby tightly. Hen and Chimney are also hugging tightly. As for Phillip and Margaret, they seem to just be standing there. They might be in shock, Eddie thinks to himself. Athena and Bobby, Buck's surrogate parents, are showing far more emotion than Buck's actual parents. Eddie finds himself sitting in a chair before he can remember even moving. Maddie's hand is still in his as she sits in the adjacent chair.

+ + + + +

Eddie walks through the hall of the hospital days later. Christopher is next to him, the crutches making soft thuds against the linoleum. As they turn the corner, they see Athena, Bobby, May, Maddie, Phillip, Margaret, Chimney, and Hen sitting in chairs. Chimney is the first to see the father and son, nudging Hen. The two look at them with bright smiles, almost forgetting where they are. Almost.

"Hey, Chris!" Hen exclaims cheerfully when seeing the worried look on the boy's face.

"Hi," Chris responds softly.

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