48: TK+Carlos⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "A really, really, bad day"

•Requester: dobby1273

•Warnings: addiction, mention of vomit

•Inspiration: The request.

•Type: angst

A/N: Oh my god I love this request so much. This person's mind-i think-works a lot like mine when it comes to prompts. This request, and another they've given in the past are prompts that I'm shocked I didn't think of before. So, to the requestor, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it. I wrote it a little different than usual.

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Carlos can hear his heartbeat in his head as he pushes down onto the chest, "C'mon," he begs as he leans down to perform rescue breaths. As he pushes down again, though he can hear it, he feels as though his own heartbeat stopped.

"Come on, breathe for me. Breathe, baby."

+ + + + +

TK sighs as he turns out the door of the convenience store. He was sent home from work and is on paid leave while officials investigate. He lost a seemingly stable patient at work and as expected, he's a mess.

TK has a voice in his head every day that tells him to use drugs or drink. Usually, he can drown out these voices with the help of his support system. Now, however, with the voices added to his thoughts of the loss, he feels like the voices are louder than ever. It's been twelve hours since he was sent home. Twelve hours of what he can only call torture.

He walks into the loft he shares with Carlos. He lifts the small box he bought from the store and places it on the counter. He knows as he stares at it that he shouldn't have bought it. However, that doesn't stop him from reaching forward and grabbing a bottle from it. He opens the bottle and takes a big sip, pulling the intense flavor of beer into his mouth.

It doesn't take long until he finishes the six bottles. He quickly cleans them up, burying the bottles in the trash rather than recycling them. He takes a shower and brushes his teeth before laying in the bed.

+ + + + +

Carlos is worried about TK the next day. He came home that night to TK already asleep and he was awake before Carlos was this morning. Now, Carlos is at work and texting TK. He receives shorter responses than usual, but Carlos is just thankful he is getting something.

When he returns to an empty loft after his shift, his concern grows. He walks around to double check the home is empty. Desperate to find a clue, knowing Owen is at work, Carlos decides to look in the trash. While hoping his fear wasn't reality, his fear becomes true. He finds six empty beer bottles in the garbage, his heart sinking. He instantly grabs his keys and rushes from the home. He walks, looking all around himself, hyperaware and hyper-vigilant.

Time stands still when he looks down an alleyway three miles from the loft and sees a body laying on the ground. His feet are moving in a split second as he makes his way to the body. The arm has a bright blue tourniquet tied with a needle sticking from his vein. He falls to his knees and roll the body over, his heart jumping to his throat. He whips his phone from his pocket. He dials a number and places the call on speaker, putting the phone on the ground.

"9 1 1 what's your emergency?"

"This is off duty officer Carlos Reyes, I am in an alley off of Jewel Street. I have a twenty-six year old male with an apparent drug overdose. No pulse, I'm performing chest compressions."

"paramedics are on their way, officer. They should be there in two minutes."

+ + + + +

Carlos looks up at the sound of footsteps. As he sees Nancy and Tommy, he sighs.

"Carlos? What's wr- oh my God," Nancy says as her eyes lay on TK.

Nancy quickly takes over for the cop as Tommy pulls him away. His heart is racing as his breathing is rapid. Tommy helps Nancy and the two resuscitate TK. Much like years prior in New York, he turns his head over and throws up the contents of his stomach. Carlos rushes over and lets TK cry into his stomach.

"I've got ya," Carlos says softly as Tommy and Nancy watch with sad eyes.

Tommy and Nancy get TK on a board and lift him onto a stretcher once he is calmer. While they do this, Carlos steps aside to call Owen.

"Hey, Carlos, what's going on?" Owen asks in such a chipper voice that Carlos begins to feel guilty for what he has to say.

"Owen, I've got some bad news," Carlos says as tears come to his eyes.

"What is it?" Owen asks and Carlos can just picture him sitting up straight as worry takes him over.

"TK, he uh," Carlos bites his lips as the tears begin to fall, "he relapsed and I just found him in an alley unconscious. Tommy and Nancy are putting him on a stretcher now, but I just don't know what to do. I'm going to ride with him to the hospital."

"Oh God, okay. I'm going to have Judd cover me for the rest of shift and meet you guys there. Is there anything you'll need?"

"Yeah, could you stop and get me a change of clothes? Just a t shirt, sweatpants, and a hoodie? Also, could you feed Lou 2?" Carlos questions, knowing his clothes are dirty.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there ASAP. Just tell him I love him, okay?" Owen responds and Carlos can tell that he's crying too.

"I will. Drive safe, Owen, and I'll see you soon."

After ending the call, Carlos returns to the other three. Tommy is currently calming TK down from spiraling, Nancy helping.

"Hey, TK," Carlos says softly, "I called your dad and he'll meet us at the hospital, okay? I love you and so does he."

"I love you," TK says with a smile.

Carlos follows Nancy and Tommy towards the ambulance as they wheel the stretcher. He holds TK's hand tightly as he walks. Tommy and Nancy get the bed into the rig before Carlos climbs into the back with TK and Nancy while Tommy drives.

Carlos has always known about TK's addiction, but this was his first time it's been this bad. He only hopes he can be as supportive as TK needs.

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!

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