62: Carlos+TK⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "The Waiting is the Hardest Part: Part 2"

•Requester: LilyHumphries2 and sort of DarrianMarks

•Warnings: talk of depression/suicide/death/grief

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: angst

A/N: This was going to be a solo, but this I think it ties in nicely with part 1.

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When Gabriel died, everyone thought TK would be the perfect person to help his fiancé. After all, it wasn't long ago that TK was grieving the loss of his mother. However, the situations surrounding Gwyn and Gabriel's deaths are very different. Gwyn died in a horrible accident while taking her child on a walk. Gabriel, however... He was murdered.

Carlos always feels things more intensely. Love, hate, anger, joy, relief, fear. They're all enhanced for him. So, the grief is too. He 'pulled himself together'-as he put it-until a week after the funeral. Then, he couldn't hold it back anymore. It's like someone pointed a remote at his life and pushed pause. He was frozen in time while everyone and everything around him kept moving.

To say TK is worried is the understatement of the century-the millennium. He watches as he dresses for work every day how Carlos just stays in the bed.

"Carlos, come on," TK says softly, "come sit on the couch, watch some television."

"Leave me alone, TK," Carlos says with a hoarse voice.

"Carlos, your body and mind need you to get out of bed," TK presses.

"Leave me alone, TK," Carlos repeats, his voice louder now.

TK sighs but leaves the bedroom. He grabs all of the knives in the kitchen and slips them into a small bag. With one final sigh, he leaves the apartment.

+ + + + +

"Are you really worried about him?" Nancy asks as she and TK stock the ambulance.

"Yeah," he responds.

"How worried?"

"Hide the knives, fear every call we catch is to him," TK says.

"TK, I he's that bad, he should be in the hospital," Nancy responds.

"Well, it has to be involuntary and they won't take him yet."


+ + + + +

'Los: I love you, TK. I'm sorry.

TK's eyes widen at the text, looking to his coworkers.

"I have to go," he says quickly.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Carlos.. I think something's wrong," TK says before running out.

"I'll follow," Owen says, getting into the captain's truck.

By the time TK reaches the loft, his heart is racing faster than ever. He walks in, scanning the main area with his eyes. He reaches the bedroom to find a sight he knows will forever haunt him.

Carlos is on the floor of the bedroom with two puddles of blood coming from his wrists. His eyes are closed, but his chest is rising and falling with breaths. TK immediately falls to his knees next to his fiancé, screaming his name. Owen rushes in at the sound and his eyes go wide.

"I need towels," TK rushes out, "and call dispatch."

Owen rushes into the couple's bathroom and grabs towels before pulling out his radio.

"Dispatch, this is captain Owen Strand with the 126. I need an ambulance at my location," he says as he rushes back to his son.

Owen wraps one wrist in the towel while applying pressure and elevating the arms. The door opens and Nancy and Tommy rush in with a stretcher. Owen pulls TK back so that Nancy and Tommy can work, holding his son tightly in his arms. TK's eyes are fixed on the pocket knife that's next to Carlos, blood obvious on it.

"I took the kitchen knives," TK says softly, "I forgot about the pocket knife."

Owen turns TK around to face him, "this is not on you, TK. Carlos is just struggling a lot right now. We'll get him help, okay?"

TK nods as Carlos is lifted onto the stretcher and Owen lightly pushes him towards the door.

"You go with them to the hospital. I'm going to go back to the station and will come to you once I get my personal vehicle," Owen says softly.

"Yeah, yeah," TK says, "thanks dad."

+ + + + +

It's a few hours before TK is brought to Carlos. The only reason this is allowed is because the cop was screaming for him. So, when TK enters the room, carlos immediately calms down.

"Hey, hey, hey, breathe," TK says as he approaches his fiancé cautiously, "just breathe, Carlos."

"I don't want this, TK. I don't want to be here," Carlos says softly as a nurse helps TK get him back into the bed.

"I know, baby. I know, but you need to for your own safety. They'll put you on meds that help you, okay?" Tk's voice is soft and caring.

"I'm sorry," Carlos says softly.

"No, don't apologize, okay? It's all going to get better. I promise," TK says.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Strand, but you have to leave, now," the nurse says softly.

TK nods and turns to Carlos, "I love you, alright? I'll see you in a few days, after they help you."

Carlos nods, "I love you."

TK nods and places a kiss on Carlos' forehead before leaving. He walks towards where Owen is waiting, hugging his father tightly.

"He'll be okay, TK. Carlos is strong."

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Okay, I hope you enjoy this.

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