52: Buck+Eddie⚠️

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•Title: "Bad news"


•Warnings: talk of death

•Inspiration: Idfk at this point

•Type: angst but with fluff

A/N: I thought about making it Margaret or Philip, but thought this would be better. Also, this SUCKS

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Maddie's hand is shaking as she hits her knuckles on the door three times. She exhales a long breath, shaking her hand as if to shake off her thoughts. The door swings open to reveal Athena's happy, but surprised, face.

"Maddie!" Athena exclaims, "I didn't know you were coming."

"Sorry, I should have called. Is Buck still here?" Maddie questions nervously.

"Yeah, he's still here," Athena lets Maddie inside the house, "is everything okay?"

"Not really," Maddie responds, "I'm here to break my brother's heart."

"Maddie, what's going on?"

"I just have to talk to my brother," Maddie says softly.

Athena nods and leads her towards the porch. As Maddie steps out of the house, she sees her brother sitting next to his boyfriend, Eddie's arm thrown around his shoulders. He's laughing at something May said.

"Buck," Athena says, gaining everyone's attention.

"Maddie," Buck stands with a smile, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Maddie responds.

Buck's smile falls, "what's wrong?"

"Can we step aside to talk in private?"

"Yeah," Buck pulls Maddie just into the house, standing next to the dining table.

"Buck, mom and dad just called me-"

"Oh God, are they coming for a visit?"

"No, no," Maddie responds, "the call was about Damon Jefferson."

"DJ? What about him?"

"Uh," Maddie paused.

"Maddie, what is it?"

"He died, Evan," Maddie says softly.

Buck's ears begin to ring as his eyes go out of focus. He can see Maddie take a step towards him, but he backs away. Her face is showing concern as she moves. It feels like all of the air left Buck's lungs as he grabs his chest, trying to get the air back. He vaguely sees Maddie turn away from him and speak, but he can't register anything that's happening as his chest began to burn. Suddenly, Eddie is in front of him. Eddie guides Buck to the ground and has him do some calming breaths. Buck follows Eddie's lead and is eventually breathing normally.

Eddie pulls Buck into his chest as he begins to sob. Maddie covers her mouth as tears slip from her eyes. Bobby, May, and Athena come into the house and stand next to Maddie, shocked at the scene before them. They have rarely seen Buck cry, especially not like this.

"Who is Damon Jefferson?" Athena asks softly.

"He was Buck's best friend all growing up. He was the only person who could calm Buck down when he wanted to do something dangerous. When I left, Damon was all Buck had. You rarely saw them separately. It was always the two of them together," Maddie's voice gets quieter as she speaks, her own grief showing itself.

Eddie sighs as he holds Buck, who has now calmed down, "I think I'll take him home. Chris is sleeping over at Hen's tonight so I can spend the night with Buck."

"Yeah, okay," Bobby says, "call if you need anything."

Eddie nods and stands with May helping him get Buck to his feet. May pulls Buck into a hug before the couple leaves, Athena and Bobby also hugging Buck.

+ + + + +

The next day, Buck is sitting on the edge of his bed as he stares at the wall. Eddie walks up the stairs with a glass of water, placing it on the nightstand.

"Did you talk to your parents?" Eddie asks softly.

"Yeah," Buck says, "they were uncharacteristically kind."

"When's the funeral?"

"This weekend," Buck responds monotonously.

"Okay, I'll find a flight for you and Maddie. Do you want me to come with you? Hen and Karen have already agreed to watch Chris if-"

"No," Buck interrupts, waving his hand in the air to cut Eddie off, "I'm not even going. It would be weird if you showed up."

Buck stands and walks to the closet after saying this, pulling out his uniform.

"What are you doing?" Eddie questions.

"We have work," Buck states as if it's obvious.

"No," Eddie responds, "Bobby's not going to let you work today. He's already called in subs."

"Well, I'm going to work," Buck responds before walking into the bathroom.

+ + + + +

The couple walks into the fire house, everyone watching in surprise. Bobby, however, isn't that surprised. He had already planned on Buck coming into work. He has tasks set aside for Buck to do while they go on calls, as he is not about to let the grieving man out in the field.

As they walk, Buck has a bounce in his step despite his mental state. Eddie is walking slightly behind him, an overall cloudiness around him.

"Hey," he says to Hen and Chimney as Buck walks into the bathroom.

"How's he doing?" Hen asks softly.

"He says he doesn't want to go to the funeral," Eddie responds.

"For his childhood best friend?" Chimney questions.

"I think he's still in shock," Eddie says softly.

Before anything else can be said, Buck returns to the team. They all move to the table as Bobby places a meal on the table. The next hour is spent with the 118 joking around with one another.

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