A/N (please read)

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Hey, Guys! It's Ash here. I wanted to clarify a few things. Before I get into it, I just want you to know that I am writing this on July 25, 2022, but won't post it until I have a oneshot to post after it, so that I'm not just updating with an Author's note. Anyways, here we go! Also, I am posting this on every single one-shot book I have, so I apologize if you see this multiple times.

First of all, I want to give you a list of my current one-shot books. So here it is:

5SOS boyxboy


Disney boyxboy

Glee (unpublished as of now)

Love, Victor


Marvel boyxboy


One Tree Hill (unpublished as of now)

Outer Banks


Shameless (unpublished as of now)

Stranger Things

Supernatural (unpublished as of now)

Teen Wolf boyxboy

TFIL boyxboy

Why Don't We boyxboy

So, please go give those a read. I love them very much and am very, very proud. Also requests are always open! Go ahead and comment them!!

Second of all, I talked about this in some of the books, but I want to clarify for everyone. In march, I had to come home from college because I was sick. I was constantly getting 'episodes' where I felt like I was going to pass out. I was dizzy and felt like I was going to throw up. In addition, I was constantly sleeping. For those who don't know, I have severe insomnia. In June, after many tests and even seeing a specialist, I was diagnosed with migraines. I was given preventative medicine, but I ran out and am unable to get a refill. It is considered a narcotic, so they're accusing me of abusing them, even though I took them as directed. Anyways, this makes it hard for me to write a lot, so I take breaks while writing each one shot. If they seem broken up, that's why.

Third of all, as I'm sure you've realized, I tend to write one-shots more on the triggering side. This is because trauma is easier for me to write. A lot of times, if I'm the one coming up with the idea, and it's a one-shot based on a movie/tv show, it is something I think should have happened. Anyways, I will always put a trigger warning. If there is something else that is triggering, please tell me so that I know for the future. In addition, if there is anything offensive, tell me.

Fourth of all, On August 21, 2022, I will be returning to college. Because of this, updates may slow down.

Fifth of all, this last part is very serious. It may trigger you. The first is talking about guns/mass shootings, and the other is talking about abortion.

Okay, so why is it that people are so worried about losing their guns when literal children are being murdered? In the shooting in Uvalde, a little girl used her best friend's blood and pretended to be dead. We live in a country where that is something a fourth grader knows how to do. And yet, when we call for stricter gun laws, people get pressed. This is a matter of saving lives. These are the same people who claim to be "pro-life". You aren't pro-life if you protect your guns more than the innocent people being massacred. It needs to be that if someone in a home has any form of mental illness or disability that effects the mind, or moods, there should never be a gun in the home. I am well aware that this won't abolish guns, but it will make it A LOT harder to get one. In addition, WHY ARE WE SELLING ASSAULT RIFLES!? I understand needing a PISTOL for protection, or a hunting rifle for hunting, but why the FUCK does a civilian need an AR?

Talking about abortion, just because you, personally, wouldn't get an abortion, does not mean you should make it so nobody can. Are you aware that forced labor is a torture technique? What about if the pregnancy is from rape? No person should go through even more pain and discomfort. Or what if the pregnancy would kill the person? That's not pro-life. In addition, where is the penalty for a person walking out on their family, or pregnant partner? If the pregnant person can't walk out on the pregnancy, neither can their partner. Also, nobody needs to justify their abortion. Whether or not a person terminates their pregnancy, and why, is their business and their business only. Overturning Roe V. Wade will not put an end to abortion, it will increase people dying from 'illegal' abortions. You're not pro-life, you're anti-abortion. If you're going to control a stranger's internal organ, at least don't lie and make yourself out to be a hero.

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