60: TK centric⚠️

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•Title: "New"

•Requester: LeaDegrande

•Warnings: talk of abuse. Like bad abuse.

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: angst

A/N: Okay, so if it's in Italics, it's a letter TK wrote in the past.

_____ _____ _____

TK doesn't have many memories of his father. He was eight when his father left. All he remembers about that day is he went to school, and when he came home, his life changed forever. In reality, there was a tearful goodbye between Owen and his son. The goodbye between TK and his big brother, Judd, was worse.

Judd and TK are years apart in age, ten to be exact.

It was less than a month before TK's so called mother remarried. Josh. God, TK hates Josh-and for good reason. Less than a week into the marriage, Josh snuck into TK's room in the middle of the night. No wonder most of TK's memories are gone.

+ + + + +

Dear dad,

I want you to come save me. More than anything, I want you to come save me. I read every day about you being a hero in Texas. Mom moved is to North Carolina. I don't know if you know. If you didn't, you still don't. I won't send this letter. There's no way mom would let me. She'd freak out if she even knew I was writing this. I miss you, dad. I miss Judd. I miss the happiness.

+ + + + +

Four years later, TK is eleven years old. His dad wins a custody hearing and is granted custody of TK one weekend every two months, one month in the summer, and every other school break.

When TK hears the news, he is ecstatic. He began counting down the days until his first trip to see his father. Making it even better, it will be for his summer trip.

+ + + + +

TK is holding the strap to his backpack tightly as he looks at the house. It's his father's house. This is the first night he is spending under the same roof as his brother and their father in years. This is the first time since the divorce that TK is able to even talk to either of them. So, here he stands, outside the house. His father stands next to him, watching the eleven-year-old closely. Owen can't figure out what it is, but he can tell something is different about his son.

After taking a deep breath, TK follows his dad into the house. Owen's interior design skills haven't changed a bit. The house is beautiful. It looks elegant while also looking comfortable.

"Your brother will be home soon. He had a shift at the fire house. I took today off, obviously," Owen says softly.

"Obviously?" TK questions.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you get settled in okay," Owen responds in a concerned tone.

"Oh, right," Tk responds, "well, I don't have a lot of things, if you want to go in to work."

"Nonsense, we can spend the day together. If you want, we can go visit the firehouse and you can meet everyone after you unpack."

TK gasps, "can I climb in one of the firetrucks?"

"Yeah, of course," Owen responds, happy to see his son excited.

+ + + + +

As Owen leads TK into the building, Judd and the others are in the middle of a fooseball game. Judd glances over when he hears footsteps and sees his little brother. He abandons the game and slowly walks over. The sight of TK shocks him. The boy is thin and pale. He knew Tk was coming, but nothing could prepare him for actually seeing his baby brother after so long. It takes a moment-a very brief moment-for TK to recognize Judd. When he does, he lets go of Owen's shirt-which he was clutching tightly-and runs towards his big brother. Judd chuckles as he picks TK up and spins them around, holding the back of TK's head with his hand.

"I missed you so much, Ty," Judd whispers.

"TK. It's TK, now," Owen quickly corrects.

"Oh, sorry, TK," Judd says as he places his brother on the ground again, ruffling his hair slightly.

"I missed you too, J," TK responds.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: I am not proofreading this so if there are any continuity errors, I apologize. Anyways, here's the story of me writing this.

I started yesterday (10/30/2023) evening while my mom and I waited for my dad to come get my brother. My brother and him are traveling to my paternal grandparent's house and were leaving early this morning. My dad didn't come until six hours after he was supposed to. At first, it was because he fell asleep. Then, he needed to shower first. Then, about an hour before he came, my brother called him. APPARENTLY my great aunt (the sister of my grandfather who my dad was going to see). Died. Like wtf are the odds? To make it weirder, my other great aunt, my grandma's sister, has been on hospice for weeks.

Anyways, I stopped writing after that. Tonight, my little sister (who is developmentally delayed and nonverbal) went trick or treating with just me and our cousin. My mom stayed at the house to pass out candy. We both went as doctors and she did so fucking well. Anyways, here you go.

9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star  one shots (mostly angst)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora