67: TK+Carlos⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "Freak Out"

•Requester: DarrianMarks

•Warnings: talk of ptsd, talk of serial killers

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: angst

A/N: Okay, this might be my favorite request I've gotten. I love all of your requests, but this one just spoke to me. I got it at 4:30 am and immediately grabbed my laptop to write.

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TK's hands are clasped behind his head as he paces back and forth. Gabriel watches, amazed that there isn't a hole in the floor. Andrea is sitting next to her husband, holding his hand tightly.

"TK, son, sit down," Gabriel says in a kind but authoritative tone.

"Why won't they let me be with him?" TK questions.

"He went through a trauma, TK. They need to evaluate his mental state before introducing outside exposure," Andrea responds.

"They did the same thing for you when you were held hostage," Gabriel adds.

TK nods, knowing that it makes sense logically.

+ + + + +

Carlos wakes up with a gasp, clutching his chest as he tries to steady his breaths. His monitor goes erratic due to his rapid heartrate, prompting nurses to rush in.

"Officer Reyes, we need you to just focus on taking a few breaths. We'll give you a sedative to help you sleep," one nurse says.

The nurse prepares the sedative and lightly grabs Carlos's arm to put the medicine into the IV. In response, Carlos rips his arm back with a scream.

"Get off of me!" Carlos screams.

As he moves to rip out his IV in order to get away from his bed, one of the nurses holds him down to keep him from harming himself, "go get his fiancé," she says to the nurse behind him.

The nurse runs from the room. He nearly runs into the door to the waiting room, regaining his composure before he enters it.

"I'm looking for the fiancé of Carlos Reyes," he says softly.

TK halts his pacing and rushes over, "how is he?"

"He is sort of freaking out a little bit. His monitor alerted us to a rapid heartrate, so we rushed in. He was panicking so we prepped a sedative. When one of us touched him, he began to freak out worse."

"Take me to him. And next time, don't touch a patient without their consent" TK says immediately, following the nurse.

TK walks into the hospital room to see that Carlos is now curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. His entire body is visibly trembling and his arms are in front of his face. There is a small amount of blood where his IV used to be. TK walks briskly across the room and sits criss cross in front of Carlos.

"Hey, 'Los. It's TK, okay? You're not there, baby. You're safe, now," he says softly, careful to not touch him.

Though his body still trembles, Carlos lowers his arms to look at TK, causing his fiancé to smile.

"TK?" Carlos whispers.

"Yeah, it's me, Carlos," TK responds, "is it okay if I touch your hand?"

Carlos nods and TK gently grabs his hand in his own. He holds it tightly as he watches Carlos' shoulders rise and fall slower.

"You're doing great," TK says as he slowly and carefully helps Carlos stand up and back into the bed before turning to the nurses, "tell me what he needs done. I'll do it."

"Sir, we can't let you do that," the nurse who triggered Carlos, yes that's how TK thinks of her, says.

"I am a certified paramedic with the Austin Fire Department. I am who got him back when his heart stopped. I am more than capable of inserting an IV. I will only do the parts that require physical contact with him," TK insists.

Realizing that he won't give in, the nurses nod and hand him a fresh IV needle. TK, with Carlos's consent, puts it into Carlos' hand once again. The nurses take over and attach saline to the needle, preparing to follow it up with the sedative. Once they're done, the nurses leave the room.

TK sits on the edge of Carlos' bed with a small smile, "hey, do you need anything."

Carlos grabs onto TK's hand, "everything I will ever need is right here."

"I love you," TK says with a cheeky smile.

"And I love you," Carlos responds.

Soon enough, the sedative kicks in and Carlos falls asleep. TK takes this opportunity and walks back out to the waiting room. He nervously walks over to Gabriel and Andrea.

"Sorry, I didn't want to leave him until he fell asleep," TK begins.

"That's fine, but how is he?" Andrea asks nervously.

"He's okay," TK says, "he had a panic attack mixed with PTSD, but the idiot nurse didn't ask for his consent to touch him. He was given a sedative and is now asleep."

"Good, he needs rest," Gabriel says softly.

TK promises to update them, returning to the room after hugging them goodbye. TK sits in one of the chairs, stretching his legs out in front of him. He crosses his arms over his chest and bends his head down, hoping to get some sleep himself. He listens to the rhythmic beeps of the monitor and soon drifts off to sleep.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! I'm sorry that it's so short.

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