A/N: 9-1-1 6b premiere discussion (spoilers)

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First, a spoiler warning. If you have not seen the March 6th episode of 9-1-1, do not read this or it will be spoiled.

My heart is literally in my throat. I knew that we'd see Buck get struck by lightning, but I didn't expect it to be this heart wrenching. I knew we'd hear Eddie yell Buck's name, but oh my god hearing it with full context. That hurt. A lot. The way Eddie pulled off in the ambulance- DID YOU SEE HIS FACE!? I know that they are all worried, but his face showed actual terror.

AND WE ARE GETTING COMA BUCK!!! We have to be the only fandom who is excited to see their favorite character in a coma. I only want it if Eddie sits at his bedside and reveals his feelings. Speaking of Eddie, did y'all notice how practically everyone else is shown in the promo for the next episode except him? He is in the very beginning, then not at all. The rest of them-Athena, Maddie, Mr. Buckley, Mrs. Buckley, Chim, Hen, bobby- they are all shown. Where the fuck is Edmundo Diaz? I highly doubt he is just at home. Carla would watch Christopher in a heartbeat, same with May or Karen. I can see him going home to tell Chris, but not to stay. So, I wonder, why are they avoiding showing Eddie? Looks like we live to clown another week, Buddie fans. 

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