54: Buckley Centric (buddie)⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

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•Title: "There's another one?"

•Requester: dobby1273

•Warnings: abuse, self harm, etc

•Inspiration: the request

•Type: dark/angst

A/N: Okay so in this, Maddie is only four years older than Buck while he is 11 years older than their younger sister. Changing their pasts a little bit. The ages in this are 16, 27, and 31

_____ _____ _____

She's not talked about. They only discuss her when nobody else is around. Maddie left home to live with Doug when she was 21. Up until then, though, she only came home from school for holidays. When she left, the family never spoke to or about her. Well, Buck did. He was seventeen when she left. He was happy for her. Sure, Doug seemed like a bit of a tool, but he didn't think any home could be worse than the one they grew up in. He just missed her dearly.

Margaret and Philip Buckley, to the public, are very well put together individuals. Nobody sees what happens when their door closes. Nobody hears what's said when the windows shut. They don't see the bruises that cover the children. They don't know. That's the thing Evan Buckley has always found the most annoying about everyone else in the neighborhood. They don't know.

They never did.

+ + + + +

The 118 is just getting back from a call. Bobby goes to the kitchen while Chimney, Eddie, Ravi, and Hen go to take showers. Buck is about to head into the locker room when he sees someone rush into the station in his peripheral vision. He turns to see Maddie, who looks quite distressed, rushing over.

"What is it? Is something wrong with Jee?"

"No, Jee's fine. It's about them."

"What about them?" Buck questions, his voice growing dark.

"They've moved, Buck. They moved to LA," Maddie says with a shaky voice.

"w-what?" Buck can barely comprehend the news, "did they bring her?"

"She's sixteen. Of course they brought her," Maddie responds before sighing, "after I left, did they ever-."

"Not that I ever saw. I took it all," Buck says simply.

Hen walks out to see the siblings talking in hushed voices, "Maddie, what brings you by?"

"Oh!" Maddie looks up towards Hen, "I just wanted to see Buck."

Hen nods and walks towards the kitchen, not really believing the lie. Buck watches her walk away and turns back to his sister.

"Have you seen them?"

"No, mom just called me to let me know they made the trip safely. She insists that she told us about the move," Maddie says cautiously.

Buck studies her body language, "there's something else. What is it?"

"They want to have a family dinner. Chimney and 'Buck's new girl' included."

Buck loudly groans as he throws his head back, "shit."

"Yeah. Chimney automatically will because of Jee."

"So, now I can choose to not even mention it to Eddie and risk Chimney mentioning it accidentally or invite Eddie and risk him finding out about them."

"Either way, they're going to find out we've been keeping at least one huge ass secret from them," Maddie says softly.


9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star  one shots (mostly angst)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu