47: TK+Carlos

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•Title: "Planning"

•Requester: Dae7624

•Warnings: None, actually.

•Inspiration: Well, the request and I just thought of it.

•Type: fluff

A/N: Okay, writing no angst will be hard so I will bring up some things that seem angsty but in the context, they aren't. I hope you enjoy and I apologize in advance for the length. By this, I mean TK's addiction will be very briefly mentioned.

_____ _____ _____

"Okay, so this will be a long day," TK says as he looks at the list in his hand.

"Yeah," Carlos agrees, "pretty much doing everything in one day. We get the big things settled before we just go through and fill in the gaps."

"Up first is meeting with the florist to settle on centerpieces," TK says with his light voice he has when he's happy.

The two of them walk into the florist's shop-Owen found them- and their noses are filled with the beautiful aroma. The two smile at one another before making their way over to the counter.

"How can I help you?"

"Hi, we're getting married in two weeks and were wondering if you had any simple and elegant arrangements for centerpieces," TK says softly.

"Let's see," the man behind the counter pulls out a binder and flips through it.

He spins the binder around for the couple to see. TK and Carlos lean forward slightly to look at the arrangements.

"I like these," Carlos says as he points to a photograph, "the peonies."

TK looks at it and smiles, nodding, "yeah, those are great. They're simple and not over the top like my dad wanted but still show our love."

The two of them continue talking to the man, selecting silver vases. They iron out the details before leaving to their next destination.

+ + + + +

The two of them walk into the jewelry store to make a final pick on the rings. They are all silicone, this material being easier to wear at their jobs. They have the choices narrowed down, thanks to the input of their friends. Neither Carlos or TK could narrow it down, so they had three people-Andrea, Owen, and Gabriel-each choose their favorite, in addition to them.

After talking about it for days-many arguments, they finally came to an agreement on a small part. They wanted their jobs to be a part of the ring, as they met through work. Before coming, they had called and told them this idea, and the people came up with prototype like rings-using cheaper materials-to show how it will look.

The woman behind the counter pulls out two ring boxes. One of the boxes-the blue one-is handed to Carlos while the other, white, one is handed to TK.

The rings are a silver silicone. Carlos' has a faded blue stripe going around the center of the ring on the outside. TK's has a faded white line doing the same on his. On the inside of the rings, the opposite color is. This way, they can keep one another close, even if they aren't physically together.

"We love the silver silicone ones," TK says after they look at other prototypes.

"Okay, well we will get the stripes inscribed on the real rings," the woman says with a smile.

The couple thanks her before leaving the store.

+ + + + +

"Okay," TK starts as they're sitting at a restaurant, "caterer, check. Flowers, check. Rings, check. We settled on a photographer last week. Tommy is handling the flower girl dresses while Enzo handles the ring bearer."

"I think we just got a million steps closer to the altar," Carlos says with a bright smile.

"Oh, and the caterer will have two vegan options, a steak option, and a fish option. They also know that our wedding will be dry, so there will only be sparkling water for toasts."

"And Isabella and Evie agreed on sharing the flower girl jobs, right?" Carlos asks.

"Yes. They got over the argument of who does which side of the aisle when Grace suggested that every few feet they switch," TK responds with a chuckle.

"Even with our wedding she's our saving Grace," Carlos says.

"Exactly," TK agrees.

The two spend the rest of their meal in their usual bliss. The table is filled with laughter and smiles. The wedding is almost completely planned and the two are more than ready to be husbands.

_____ _____ _____

A/N: Well, this was short and probably awful. I do so bad with fluff lmao.

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