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The sunlight that peeked in through the small window that was in front of my bed landed on my eyes, waking me up from a peaceful sleep. I moaned in frustration, but I got up anyways.

I shuffled towards the kitchen, half awake, to see a sluggish, hungover Tyler with a damp towel over his head.

" Hi Tyler." I said, making my presence in the room known, becoming a little cheerier since i forgot he stayed the night.

"shh..." he said as he brought his hand down, lower and lower, telling me to quieten.

" ah.. Hungover are we? How's that going for you?" I asked with a smirk.

" Major headache." He complained.

" I'll get you a couple Advils." I said.

I moved to the bathroom and I saw Troye hanging over the toilet. All of last night's memories flooded like a tidal wave and I was still holding the grudge against him, but I felt bad for it when he was in a time of need.

I sat on the rim of the bathtub so I could comfort him, rubbing circles between his shoulder blades. I winced every time he threw up since he didnt need this. My anger quickly melted into sympathy for him.

" I'm sorry con." He said in between throw ups. " I was a jerk last night."

" You were a jerk..., but I forgive you." I said hugging his back.

"Thank you. I couldn't stand it if you were mad at me over something I barely remember. By the way, does Tyler, you know, know about... us?" He asked, the first sentence I've heard him at without throwing up right afterwards.

" Well, You slurred it at me when he was around, but he was drunk. I'm sure he doesn't remembers because he's hungover and has a major headache, which speaking of." I said grabbing the Advil bottle and shaking out 2." I need to give them these."

" Well, are we going to tell him?" He asked.

" Do you want to?" I answered his question with another question.

" I don't know. There's pros and cons of having a secret relationship from everyone. Pros: Getting to have something that's so special that only to people can know about it, having memories only we can remember, but the cons are having to restrain touching each other, having to think about we are going to say, not being able to tell the people we see every day, the people that know us so well, one of us makes the other so happy, and blatantly lying to the people we've never dreamed of lying to." He said sullenly.

" The cons out way the pros." I said, holding my left elbow with my right arm, looking at the floor. " We should at least tell Tyler, but not know. He could lash out since he does that, very rarely though, when he's hungover. Let's wait till he has sobered up. What about dinner tonight?" I asked, knowing the answer.

" If that's what you want, it's what we'll do." He said.

" And you can't help me cook dinner." I said.

" why?!" He exclaimed.

" Because every single time I cook, you 'help' by draping all over me and either holding your hands on my waist or stirring the spoon around the pot and I don't want to give it away to easily." I laughed out.

" Fine." He said sullenly before getting up and flushing the toilet.

" I'll join you in a minute. I need to brush my teeth." he said, starting the faucet.

I went back to the quiet kitchen to hand Tyler his Advils. I walked over to the kitchen sink and quickly filled a cup of water so Tyler could down his pills as soon as possible. He gulped them down then went back into the guest room to rest.

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