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-5:56 am-

that's the first thing I heard when I woke up and when I realized it was my moms angry voice I leapt out of bed and it was 5:57 am "FUCK! I SLEPT THROUGH ALL MY ALARMS!" my mom would be livid when I went down stairs and I was sure of it but I wasn't just dreading going down there because of my mom it was because of him. I got dressed as quick as possible putting on a black shirt that read "nirvana" and some blue shorts, wasn't my best but hell I didn't have time, it was 6:01 am already? "How the hell-" but I stopped short when I looked up at my reflection in my bathroom mirror to see my puffy eyes and eye bags, I couldn't go to school with puffy eyes but I didn't have time, I didn't even wash my teeth I just brushed through my medium length black hair and washed my face and raced down stairs half forgetting he was down stairs.
"KIRBY! UR GONNA BE LATE,EAT QUICKLY!" mom said with a rough tone. I knew I looked scared because mom softened her expression and said "I just don't want u to be late honey" but I wasn't scared because she was yelling at me, I was scared that he would pop up. And if he did I might as well burst into tears, I reluctantly asked mom without trying to be to obvious I was about to break down into sobs, "hey mom, where's Kyle?" Hoping she would say "he died in a fire" but instead I was met with a "he's at work sweetie, why?" I had to play it cool especially since he threatened me " oh just curious, I miss him" I wanted to Barth but there was no time since it was 6:11 am, I put on my black converse and got my blue back pack and headed off to school on my blue bike.

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