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-am I in the hospital?-

I woke up in a room, a hospital room? I could barely remember what had happened.

I saw my mom sleeping on my bed side and Caleb was dozing off, I opened my eyes even more when suddenly got startled because Caleb shot up from my bed side and yelled

"She's awake! She's awake!"
I could see tears flooding in his eyes, he was smiling so much that his smile rubbed off on me. I gave in a faint smile while his looked like his cheeks hurt.

My mom woke up and her eyes lit up when she saw I was awake.

"Oh my god Kirby we thought we lost you"

"They said you were likely to not make it!"
My mom yelled while tears flooding her eyes, but I was angry. Riley saw me dying and did nothing about it.

The doctor came in after hearing the news that I had awoken

"Oh Kirby your awake! How amazing, we advise you stay here for the next few days just to monitor that your ok and that your wounds heal properly." He gave me a warm smile, his badge read "Maldonado"
I gave him a small smile in return.

Caleb hugged me and I tried returning the hug but I couldn't lift my arm because of the pain. I looked down to see my arm bandaged.
The doctor left the room and mom left too saying.

"I'll give you kids some privacy, bye honey I love you, I'll see you tomorrow!"
I gave her a

"Bye love you mom" 
In return.

I looked at caleb and gave him a warm smile,

"You really don't have to stay, your probably tired"

"Anything for you."
Anything for you re played in my head, he would do anything for me and that made me feel safe.

"Hey hand me that sharpie"
He did just that, I handed it back to him

"Write your name on my bandaged arm"

"Ok!" He gave me his cute smile.
He proceeded by writing

  I love you:)

I smiled at this simple yet so important moment.
But my smile soon faded as I opened my mouth to speak

"I need to tell you something.." I checked around for cameras, there were non.

"Go for it"

"I killed Dylan." I said in a hushed but blurted voice, his eyes widened.


"I went to his house because he asked me to, he said he needed to ask me something, when I got there he lead me up stairs to his room and I sat down and he said he wanted me to be his girlfriend I obviously politely rejected him because he's- he was my best-friend but then he said I was going to be his girlfriend and I was confused and opened my mouth to reject him again but before I could he played an audio and that audio was me and you talking in the janitors closet about you know what. So I got mad because I realized he was trying to black mail me so I started yelling but then he started yelling back about how I shouldn't talk to him like that and he just lunged towards me and I lost it, we were fighting when we fell to the floor eventually and I grabbed whatever was on the floor and plunged it down his throat choking him but I took it out as blood was coming out and I didn't have an intention to kill him but he started saying how he loved me and how I would always be his and I couldn't hear another word of it so I plunged it down again and he choked to death. So I realized I had to cover it up and I did just that I faked him killing himself."
A moment of silence filled the room as Caleb was processing a whole story I had just told him.

Finally I spoke first

"Are you gonna say anything..?"

"I'm just shocked..but it's ok Kirby you did it for the right reasons and I love you and always will, but what happened with the recording?"

"Oh yeah that, I have it on my phone and deleted it off him and off of recently deleted, it's all taken care of"

It scared me how much Caleb understood I wasn't born to be a killer and this had all happened because of Kyle.

"This is why this all happened why I tried to know, because I thought I was the bad guy for killing Dylan, but I mean I kinda am I-"
He didn't let me finish as he softly touched my cheek and leaned in to kiss me.

"It's all gonna be ok in the end Kirby.. I promise"

Was it All gonna be ok?

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