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I was beaming when I got a text from Kirby saying

"Hey can you come over, I miss you<3"
I texted back

"Of course I'll be there in five!"
She didn't respond, did I do something wrong?

When I got in my car Kirby texted me

She was in trouble.

I got to her house in 2 minutes passing every yellow light their was.

I banged on the door until some lady who looked in her early twenties opened the door, I didn't have time for her, i pushed her aside and sprinted up the stairs, I went into the first room I saw on my right.

I burst open the door and stopped in my tracks to see Kirby on the floor a knife in her hand and blood, she slit her wrist.

I took out my phone and called 911.

"This is 911 what is your emergency?"

"My girlfriend just slit her wrist, please get here quick! The address is 3271 on brackson rode! Please get here qui-"

Suddenly something hit me in the back of the head, I dropped the phone to see that lady from the front door with a frying pan in her hand when suddenly she pounced on me, we started fighting of the floor when she punched me so hard in the jaw I felt dizzy but this was for Kirby. I punched her just hard enough she would fall to the ground, she was bleeding now.

I ran to Kirby,  she was still conscious? She whispered an

"I love you."

I heard the sirens, I picked up Kirby seeing as the crazy lady was getting up, I ran down the stairs to see an ambulance.
They took Kirby and put her on a stretcher. Finally I saw another middle aged lady come out of the house.

"What's happening here? Where's Kirby? Where's my baby?"

"She's in there" I pointed to the ambulance, I saw her crying and finally understood the middle aged lady was Kirby's mom.
But who was the other lady in their house?
I saw her in the door frame staring at me.
How creepy.
Kirby's mom was thanking me.

"Thank you so much for calling 911, I can not thank you enough"

"It's all fine I swear" I smiled at her.
Kirby's mom looked over at the crazy lady and said

"Oh kailey why do you look so-"
She finally noticed the blood

"Oh Jesus what happened!"
I was about to say that she fucking attacked me like a crazy bitch but she started talking first.

"Oh I just fell while going up the stairs as he was going up the stairs"
She pointed towards me.

"Well you both are truly heroes"
She gave us a warm smile and went inside, Riley looked at me with a creepy look like she wanted to kill me.
Kirby's mom came out side and hopped into her car I figured we were both going to the hospital.

And just like that I was on my way.

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