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I got up at 4 and Riley was here already which was out of usual cause she got at my house at 4:50, she was probably trying to snoop around but won't be able too once she's dead.

I headed down stairs and stopped to tie my shoe, as I almost tripped.

I decided to be rude to Kirby as in the next few days she would be dead.

"How have you not made breakfast yet?"

"It's not time yet you-"
I cut her off by just leaving and saying.

"I gotta project to do so I gotta get to school early bye..maid"
I didn't like being not nice but she left me to die.

I got to ' the spot ' as the sketchy kids called it.
It was 5:21,I walked there because I left my bike at a near by gas station as I didn't want someone to steal it. I was early the meet up was at 5:30. I was buying hardcore stuff as I wanted Riley dead as soon as possible, I couldn't even stand looking at her face.

5:30 came around and my gut closed in as I realized I was actually doing this, my dealer was coming over.

"Hey Ralph"

"Yeah yeah whatever don't say my name, here's your rophynol. This stuffs strong, how much you wanna buy we got up to 50 pieces."

"20 please"
His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh. Uhm ima need 50 bucks.."
20 was enough to kill someone if you took it all at once,I've been doing my research.

I handed him the 50 bucks and stuffed the rophynol in a baggy I had prepared and stuffed it in my front pouch of my blue backpack.

Kirby:5  Riley:1

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