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I just killed my best friend of ten years.
Once again I was met with that same panicked feeling I felt when I killed Kyle.
I had to plan my get away from jail again.

But this time I already had something in mind.
I got to work, I rushed down the stairs of my almost blackmailer, I went to the kitchen, the very same kitchen we had played tag in when we were ten and accidentally knocked down some glass cups. I went to the cabinet with the knives, I took a large sharp one out and closed the cabinet and rushed back up stairs, I checked my watch and it was 5:02, shit! I needed to be quick. I rushed into the laundry room up stairs finding a box of gloves I took a pair of gloves out, I put them over my nervous sweaty hands, I rushed to Dylan's room and had the knife in one hand, what I was about to do would scar me for the rest of my life but it was my future on the line.

I cut into his wrist several times, i sat him up and put the knife in the opposite hand of the cuts I had made. I put the trophy with blood and saliva on the ground near him I got up took off the gloves and stuffed it in my my left pocket and my phone in the right pocket, lastly I almost forgot, took out my phone and went on his because of course I knew his password, I sent the audio to me and deleted it off of his phone and recently deleted to leave no traces of it except on my phone, I deleted the message I sent of the audio to myself. I sprinted out of the house and got on my bike and biked home as fast as I could.

I felt guilty afterwards, I had just killed my bestfriend after all, when I got home at 5:34 I ran up stairs to find mom still in bed. I needed an alibi and mom would be it, I started making noodles and rice and finished at 5:57 I ran up stairs to moms room.

"Hey mom! I made noodles and rice,  want some?ive been working on it since 4:00.
You know I'm not the best cook" I plastered a smile on my face.

"Oh sweetie I don't deserve you, come here."
She hugged me as I placed the tray on her lap. I left the room,

All I had to do now was wait.

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