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-Caleb's car-

He opened the door for me in the front passenger seat, it was awkward silence for a good 5 minutes as we were going down garhold street, finally I spoke up first.

"What's your favorite band?"

"Hmm,probably Guns N' Roses"
My blood ran cold. 'Guns N' Roses' was his favorite band, now all of a sudden what was supposed to be the night of my life turned into me having flash backs and wanting to start a puke party on my lap.
I recovered to not seem weird or suspicious.

"That's cool! I have three favorite bands,nirvana,arctic monkeys and cigarettes after sex!"

"That's so cool! What you wanna go on first at the fair? Roller coasters or life 360?"

"LIFE 360 FOR SURE!" I yelled out and suddenly I burped? Where the fuck did that even come from! God my cheeks were red now with pure embarrassment! He must think I'm weird.
But instead of calling me disgusting and where were my manners since I was a lady, he burst out laughing and soon we were both laughing so hard we couldnt breath. I was happy for once.
It was 5:23.
We arrived at the fair! It was exciting especially since the last time I've been on any type of ride that Dosent contain water was with pa, we'd scream are asses off on roller coasters the most, it was the most amazing feeling ever.

"Alright life 360?"

"DUHHH" I yelled with a happy tone to my voice that I had never heard before.

He started sprinting first and I followed

"NO FAIR U WENT FIRST!" I yelled while panting because I had lost, but I didn't have a problem with it.

"Nah your just slow"

"I hate you" I said while smiling so much that my cheeks hurt

"I love you too" he said sarcastically, but I enjoyed hearing him say it even if it had a tone of sarcasm when he  had said it.

We went on life 360 and jolt popper and mind blower and go karts and amazing wands by then it was 7:56,we were walking around looking for the bath room because I was about to piss my self when all of a sudden I hear my name being called in a happy but dangerous tone.

"Kirby! Hey darling how are you doing"

It was kyle?! What the actual fuck is he doing here!
He put his hand on my shoulder,What a rapist move. All of a sudden he hugged me? I couldn't protest because if I did I knew he would kill me and mom in are sleeps. I hugged him back, how disgusting of me.

"Oh hey Caleb.."

"Hello sir!" He said while stretching his hand out to shake hands like they were business partners. My face twitched at the sight of them even getting along a bit, he must've noticed because he gave me a look that said "don't try anything kirby I'm warning you"  my face went blank with no expression because I was putting together a plan on how to turn him in and get evidence. Finally someone spoke and I was snapped out of my scenarios of seeing Kyle behind bars and in a orange jumpsuit.

"You guys wanna go ride some rides?" He said just sounding genuine enough that I could see Caleb believed his act, I mean I couldn't blame him, I had believed his act once too.

I spoke up right when Caleb was about to open his mouth.

"No, I'm tired let's go home kyle..ill take a ride with Caleb u go home on your own we'll meet you there!" Did I sound as genuine as him? God I sure hoped so.

"Oh no that's ok sweetie I'll take you, I'm sure Caleb's tired too!right champ?" Once again before Caleb had a chance to speak I jumped in.

"No it's ok Kyle! Caleb will take me! Right Caleb?"i looked at him and he nodded.
I waved bye to him before he got a chance to react I took Caleb's hand and lead him out of the fair to his car so we could just go home.
As I was shutting my door Caleb spoke up.

"Hey Kirby, is everything alright with Kyle?"
Shit. He's suspicious.

"What? Of course? Dummy I just wanted to spend time with you, he's a bit overprotective you know how..dads are"
He wasn't my fucking father. Nothing close to it, but I had to play the pawn correctly because in the end the pawn always wins if your just play by the rules.

He looked at me blushing now.

"You wanted to spend time with me?"
Now it was my turn to start being a tomato

"Yeah" I said smiling and this was a genuine smile.

And just like that i was back at my happy place.

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