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I arrived at school at 6:34 am I was 4 minutes late for my first class, great mom would take away my books for being late but that was the least of my problems right now. My brain was filling up with images from the previous night, just when I was getting to the good part of thinking up ways on how I would hurt kyle 'I wish I could just grab him by the neck an-' "HEY KIRBS YOUR LATE TOO?" Suddenly I was snapped back to reality, I thought I was the only one who was in the hall way since class wasn't over yet but yet my bestfriend Dylan was late too. "Oh hey man! Yeah I'm late because I was up late studying you know the usual" "yeah well we should hurry to class, last one there's a rotten tomato!" Then he started sprinting and so did I, me and Dylan had 4 of the same classes and the same lunch period so it was basically destined for us to be BFFS! As he called it anyways long story short I ended up being the rotten tomato. We arrived at 6:45 sharp, when we walked in Mr. Corey greeted us with a "late? I'll have to call your guys parents, sorry guys it's the rules! Take a seat." I was in the front of Mr. Corey's desk which didn't help, Dylan was all the way in the back which made this day worse i checked my blue and green watch dad got me when I was six before he died,class ended in exactly 7 minutes because it was 6:54 am.
And just like that the thoughts came flooding back and he came into my mind and told me "tell them and I'll kill your mom and you know I will" that threat stayed with me and I couldn't tell anyone, even if he didn't threaten me I was terrified about telling anyone , what if they didn't believe me? What if my mom didn't believe me ? What if they all thought I was lying for attention? What if-

"Kirby? Kirby?"
I snapped back to reality

" what, sir?"
Oh god I must've got called on,

" he called your name,curbless kirby, Do you not know the answer and you decided to ignore sweet mr. Corey? I mean I understand why you would, you just don't have the brains I guess" I heard my class mate and bully Fiona sneer. I could feel my cheeks going red with embarrassment,

"sorry sir I didn't hear you what was that?"
I said my voice half trembling

"I said what's the perimeter of 56b and 36a?"
I searched my mind for the answers and finally what felt like forever I blurted out a "72!" jeez how embarrassing could I be? But at last mr Corey shot up and said "Correct!" I breathed a sigh of relief. But now I was back to that whirlpool of thinking about him I couldn't even say his name without feeling disgust, his name felt wrong in my mouth, it felt almost like- like PUKE "EWWWW CURBLESS KIRBYS DISGUSTING!" And just like that I threw up. God it was everywhere, "oh Kirby, go to the principals office for new clothes they'll call your mom or kyle"
"Kyle" I thought , the name sounded so surreal when it came out of someone else's mouth. But I grabbed my back pack and sprinted out of the class room with my cheeks red.

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