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-their here-

As I heard the sirens coming I got into place, I was on my front porch looking terrified when all of a sudden a cop came running up to me, her badge read "Garcia"

"I heard what happened we'll take care of this"
I watched as they went in and when they were at the top of the staircase their expressions changed except officer gracias expression stayed the same?

"Hey kiddo we're gonna have to take you in to questioning since you were the one who found know"
A man said to me with dirty blond short hair and looked like he was in his mid thirties, his badge read "Ronald". As he put me in the cop car I still haven't spoken because what girl is gonna speak when her precious father figure had just been on the floor with his head bashed open.

When we got there I admit I was a bit scared. I sat down while officer Ronald started questioning me.

"What time did you find him?"

"When I called the cops so I'd say around.."
Searching my mind for answers, but I was quick.

"4:20 to 4:25??"
He wrote it down.

"Did you have school today?"

"Yeah I left riding on my bike"

"Right right..What time does school end?"


"What we're you doing in the time space of 2:50-4:20?"
I looked down to seem embarrassed.

"Well after class I was talking to my..friend caleb and um..please don't tell my mom I'm begging you but we decided to meet up at his place and you know mess around.."
Officer Ronald cleared his throat.

"Right yes of course, how did you get to his house?"

"I rode my bike?"

"Why couldn't he take you himself?"

"My bike didn't fit in his trunk and I love biking and his house wasn't that far anyways."

"Ok..ok what time did you leave his house?"

"Oh I remember this one because we lost track of time and I checked my watch..I'd say..3:58!"

"ok..what time did you get to this friend of yours house?"

"Well we finished talking at school around 3:00 so I'd say probably 3:10-3:15?"

"Ok..when you went upstairs did you have your phone on you or whatever device you called 9 1 1 on?"

Now he looked confused.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean that I leave my phone at home because mom doesn't allow me to bring it to school, when I found know Um.. body, I raced to my room to get my phone and called 9 1 1"
He wrote it down.

"Ok thank you for your time"
I just nodded. When suddenly officer Garcia walked through the door and said

"He was killed with a.. hammer?"
And all of a sudden I threw up.

KIRBYS LISTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon