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I got to school late as I was up until 1:34 am studying Riley's hand writing, I think I nailed it.

It was 2:50, school had just ended when Caleb came running up.

"Hey Kirby! Wanna go shopping for your prom dress? I already have what I'm gonna wear!" He looked so cute that I almost lost focus.

"Yeah! Right now? Sorry I don't think I have the budget right now."

"It's ok! I'll pay! My mom re married to some rich guy..."
That was unexpected

"Are you sure?"


"Ok let me just text my mom"

"Done! Let's go"
I said with a beaming smile, I couldn't believe we still weren't dating, but I was patient, especially for Caleb.

We got to some random dress store with expensive dresses at 3:34.

All of them were so pretty but didn't scream Kirby.

I finally had three final options.

My first one being a very soft blue dress with poofy sleeves that were see through and glittery and the dress wasn't poofy at all.

My second choice being a royal blue dress that had long poofy sleeves and was a poofy dress that was split in the middle.

My final option was a light blue dress that had a longish tail and had a poofy structure, it had butterflies on the top.

Caleb said I looked beautiful in each one but i ended up getting the royal blue one as it looked best on me.

As we were leaving I thanked him.

"Thank you so much caleb your the best!"

"No problem, anything for you Kirby"
He gave me that cute smile he always gave me.
My cheeks turned red as I mustered up the courage.

"Let go some where, let's go swimming in the lake, like a date?" I gave him a smile as my red cheeks wore off on him.


It was 5:01 when we arrived, we sat down and started talking.

"What's your biggest fear?"

"Oh i don't know..maybe losing someone I love so much..kinda like you."
He put his hand on mine.

"I love you!" I muttered out with our thinking.

"I- I love you too, so much I've always loved you kirby."
He looked at me with his sparkling eyes and he moved closer and so did I.

Before I knew it we had kissed and I turned into a tomato and so did he.

I took off my shoes only leaving my hello kitty socks on and told him to takes his off too.
He took off his shoes revealing sonic the hedgehog socks and I giggled just looking at them, we both started laughing as he started wiggling his toes and before I knew it I took his hand and we jumped into the freezing cold lake as we rose up to the surface we both started laughing like crazy.

As I swam over to him I kissed him and blurted out a

"Will you be my girlfriend"
He was a tomato and so was I.

"YES,YES! I mean..yeah sure it's whatever"
We both howled with laughter.

Caleb was my safe space.

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