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When we got to prom it was already really loud and I saw some people drinking, who knows my dealers probably here too.
I started dancing with Caleb when the slow song came on, I'm living my dream.
He leaned in to kiss me when suddenly someone attacked me from the side.
This bitch.

"WHA-" I decided to stay silent and just fight back.
She ended up ripping my dress a bit but i was fed up as caleb had gotten me this dress, I ripped her dress to the point you could she her pink dog underwear and I guess she had it as she ran over to the food table and spilled the punch all over me and my shoes I lunged at her punching her so hard in her nose. She ran away into the schools hallway but I needed to be sneaky this time because I had an audience.
I danced with Caleb for 15 more minutes watching the hall way to see if she would come back, after 15 minutes I told Caleb

"I need to use the bath room"

"Ok babe!"
I went out into the hall and searched everywhere when finally I found kiara in the same janitors close that Dylan had heard me and Caleb talking in.

"Hey really sorry."

"Shut up you cow"

"Shut up because im gonna kill you."
Just like that I let it out, that rage I had when I killed my 3 victims. But especially Kyle. I slammed kiara into the wall with all my strength and her head cracked open. Blood spilling out, I left her there.

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