Nightmares (Snucius)

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Heyy Guys!

I'm so sorry, 'cause this is again a Snucius Oneshot.
I couldn't finish the Tomarry one.
But I hope you'll enjoy this anyways!



Voldemort stood in the meeting hall of Malfoy Manor and hissed the Torture Curse at the aristocrat kneeling before him. He cried out and the Death Eaters around him laughed.

Severus watched in despair as his husband suffered. Tears ran steadily down the black-haired man's cheeks.

"That was a fantastic performance, my lord," he heard himself say and Lucius' head shot around to him. The pain and betrayal stung his heart.
Surely he didn't mean it! Didn't mean it at all!

Voldemort ignored his statement.

The dark lord kept up the spell a little longer, until he broke it off, only to cast another curse, which painfully flayed the Malfoy's skin.

The longhaired man screamed and sobbed for forgiveness, but it only fell on deaf ears.
Severus wanted to rush to his beloved's aid, but could not move from the spot.

A soft hiss caught his attention and he saw the huge serpentine body of Nagini slithering towards Lucius.
No! This couldn't be happening...!

With a bloodcurdling scream, Severus sat bolt upright in bed. Immediately, familiar arms wrapped around his chest from behind and gently pressed his sweaty body against another.

Breathing heavily and still shaking all over, he leaned against them. As he had done so many times in the last few weeks. And each time it was the same nightmare.

"Shht...darling, it's all right. It was just a dream again. I'm here. We're fine, we're both unharmed. Calm down honey."

Whispered a more than familiar voice in his ear, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up at the small draft of air.
Lucius placed soothing kisses on the crook of his neck, on to his jaw where he finally let go.

With difficulty, the Potions master calmed down again and his breathing found its normal rhythm.

The blond wizard reached to the bedside cabinet next to him and dabbed at the beads of sweat on his neck and chest with a wet cloth.

Where Lucius had gotten this again was beyond Severus, but he enjoyed the affection.

"Do you want to talk about it?" the politician suddenly asked quietly.
Severus shook his head.
"Maybe later over breakfast."

Lucius grumbled in agreement and settled back into bed with the potions master.

"I love you Sev, no matter what. Please don't forget that." Hushed the blond and snuggled closer to his husband's back.

"I love you too Lucius."

And with those words, Severus Snape-Malfoy fell into a fitful sleep.

The next morning, the black-haired man was awakened in the most tender way he could imagine.

The smell of his favourite tea, freshly baked croissants and that of his husband himself hung in the air.
On top of that, he was turned onto his stomach and was now enjoying the best massage he had had in a long time.

"Good morning darling. I hope I'm not waking you too early, am I?" Lucius' deep, melodic voice murmured in his ear.

"Not at all Luc. I've never woken up like this before. Thank you." Severus murmured into his pillow.

Slowly the sensual touches ended at his backside and he felt the blond wizard rise from his thighs. Then the mattress lowered again and Lucius' talented fingers stroked through his shoulder-length hair.

"I've made us breakfast, darling. Your favourite tea."

Sighing, Severus turned and sat up. Leaning his head against the wall behind him, he looked hungrily at the breakfast tray.

Greedily, he took a bite, which made Lucius grin.
"Do you like it?"
All he got in reply was a satisfied grumble. The rest of the breakfast passed in silence.

"Now will you tell me what your dream was about?" asked Lucius, careful not to push his husband too hard.

The potions master closed his eyes in agony. When he began to speak, his voice was brittle. " was back, he...he tortured you in front of me, b...skinned you alive and fed you alive to Nagini."

Severus was trembling all over and tears ran incessantly down his pale cheeks.
Shocked, the politician took him in his arms and rocked him back and forth. Whispered soothing words to him.
"...and I stood by and could do nothing. Couldn't save you.
Luc...I felt so helpless. Then I praised HIM for what he had done. I'm so incredibly sorry Luc."

Severus managed between several sobs.
Lucius swallowed the huge lump, but could not prevent his voice from sounding brittle.

"Sev, it was a dream. I'm fine and I know you would never really never do anything like that. And I don't see any reason why you should apologise. I love you, baby."

Severus had sat astride his lap and buried his head in the crook of his neck.
Lovingly, the blond wizard stroked the scarred back and placed gentle kisses on Severus' bare shoulders.

The sobs were slow to subside and the remaining tears were steadily absorbed by the older man's dressing gown.

"I love you too Lucius." The shorter one whispered, only too happy to give in to the caresses.

Eventually, all that could be heard was the steady, quiet breathing of the pair. Severus had fallen asleep in the blond's arms and he liked nothing better than to look at his husband.

He looked so peaceful, his features relaxed. There was no longer any hint of the previous exertions. He only hoped these dreams would end quickly.
Lucius sighed. His Severus had to go through everything too.

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