An unexpected Visitor and Grades (Snarry)

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Harry was sitting in the fifth lesson and listening to his maths teacher talking about formulas and square solids.

He kept catching himself thinking about his partner.
He was about twenty years older than Harry and had been on a business trip for four weeks.

The 17-year-old wasn't bothered by the big age difference.
Whenever someone got upset about it, he said, "As long as we're happy, age doesn't matter. Beauty and youth is fleeting. Character remains."

He smirked a little wistfully. He missed his sweetheart so incredibly.
Suddenly he was jolted out of his thoughts when there were two loud knocks on the door.

Without further ado, the visitor opened the door while scanning the rows of seats for a very specific person.
Ignoring the teacher's gaze.

When he finally found his 'target', a small smile crept onto his face and he quietly closed the door.

The whole class began to whisper and the teacher also seemed puzzled by this appearance.

Harry, who seconds before had been bored with the lesson, now smiled delightedly.

His eyes were shining again, for the first time in days, and the smile had returned.

Quickly he pointed.
With the excuse that he had to go to the bathroom, he closed the classroom door behind him, which the stranger had closed earlier.

When the classroom door closed with a click, he turned around.

His friend was really standing there. Still dressed in his usual work clothes and holding a brown leather bag, he was standing there.

He immediately wrapped his arms around Severus' neck and kissed him stormily and gently.
The lawyer returned just as tenderly. When they broke away, he breathed against the teenager's lips, "I've missed you so much. I love you."

Their mouths met again after that, however Harry murmured, "I love you too. Love you so infinitely."

Gently, he leaned his head on Severus' chest and he wrapped his arms around him and held him protectively.
Resting his head on the fuzzy head's, they stood like that for a while.

Suddenly a voice cleared its throat at the side of them, "I'm sorry to disturb them, but you still have class, Harry. You can say hello to your father some other time."

Harry blushed at these words and mumbled sheepishly, "Sev is my life partner."

When the Maths professor realised what her student had said, she was about to intervene, but didn't get far, as Severus, with a whirling hand gesture, definitely silenced her.

"Thank you." The younger man mumbled and kissed his partner quickly before disappearing into the class with a wave.


Three weeks later...

When Harry came home sullen, Severus was immediately alarmed.
"What happened, angel? Something happen at school?" he asked, pulling the younger boy into a kiss.

"No, it's nothing. Just..." Harry broke off and sighed.
Gently, Severus forced him to look at him. The teenager swallowed hard before returning the look.

A lone tear rolled down his cheek and began to tell.

"I got a D on my maths test. Yet I studied for so long. And besides, I didn't want to disappoint you.
I wanted you to be happy and proud of me. But..."

Dismayed, Severus looked at his little darling.
"That's what you were worried about? That I'm not proud of you? That I expect only the highest marks from you? Harry...

Don't ever think that I'm not proud of you. All right? Anybody can flunk a test. Even if you've studied hard beforehand. There can always be something that distracts you or gets in your way. Even if it's just the ticking of the clock."

Severus looked at him firmly.
"I love you dearly and I will always be PROUD of you. It doesn't matter if you bring home a D or something. Don't beat yourself up over it, okay?"

Harry nodded, now somewhat cheered up again, and hugged his friend tightly.
He didn't let go until his worry was truly wiped away.
"Thank you, Sev. I love you. How did I ever deserve such an incredible man like you?"

Severus smiled and whispered, "I love you too. No matter what. Please keep that in mind little one."

Harry smiled. Yes, he was incredibly lucky to have met such a man.

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