With all your edges (Snucius)

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Three weeks ago, Lucius Malfoy barged into Severus Snape's private rooms unannounced and kissed him. He must have been quite surprised when the Potions Master returned the sudden kiss.

They talked into the night, with the head of the family telling Severus that he had become aware of his feelings for the black-haired one a year before the great battle.
The coincidence of it all; Severus realised a few things at that point too.
He was in love with the blond and never wanted to miss him again.

Since then they were a couple and lived in Malfoy Manor.

One evening, they sat cuddled together on the sofa in the fireplace room with the fire roaring and enjoyed the silence while they both read their books.
After a while, Severus put his book aside and cleared his throat slightly.

Astonished, Lucius looked over the edge of the book, and put it down when his partner looked at him, pained and pleading.
He pulled the dark-haired man onto his lap and Severus immediately snuggled against him.
Lucius looked worriedly at the man in his arms and rested his head on the other's.

"You, Lucius?" whispered Severus uncertainly.
"Yes, Sev?"
"I, well I like-, oh forget it." the former professor stuttered.

Severus had left his job as a teacher at Hogwarts after the final battle and was now working as a renowned potions master and healer at St.Mungos.
Thanks to Harry Potter, he and the blond were acquitted and Lucius was now working in the Ministry again.

The tension between the couple and the young man was also wiped away with a debate.

"Hey honey, whatever it is, you can tell me anything. I'm here, forever." Lucius snapped him out of his thoughts.
He nodded weakly and pulled away from his boyfriend's loving embrace.

Shakily, he stood up and turned around.
"I-, I'll show you, it'll be easier to understand, I think. Be right back." he whispered over his shoulder after which he walked towards the bedroom.

Patiently Lucius waited, wondering what was unsettling his Severus so much and what confession he would react to with anything but understanding. But he came to no conclusion.
No matter what seemed to torment the Potions Master, he would always love him.

After ten minutes, Severus came back into the room and Lucius was speechless.
The Healer was wearing a dark blue evening gown that was off-the-shoulder and fell just above the floor.

He also wore flat stiletto heels in midnight black.
His shoulder-length hair was tied back in fringes and lipstick was barely visible on his lips.


"I...well I like wearing women's clothes." Severus stuttered softly.
Unsure, Severus looked at the aristocrat for a while.
The aristocrat was visibly more overwhelmed by the sight before him than he could have spoken.

Finally, Lucius cleared his throat and looked deeply into his friend's eyes with an expressionless expression.
Tears had formed in the black mirrors of his soul, which now flowed incessantly, but no less silently, down his pale cheeks.

A whole tornado of emotions raged inside him.
It was a whole battlefield of emotions, but fear and uncertainty definitely dominated. In addition, there was a small spark of hope.
Wordlessly, Lucius spread his arms. A silent request to come to him.

Hesitantly, Severus stepped closer and squealed in surprise as the strong arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled onto his partner's lap without warning.

Unsure of what to do now, he leaned lightly against Lucius' shoulder. He was pressed firmly against it and hot breath brushed his ear.

"You look beautiful baby," Lucius whispered into it and kissed his earlobe lovingly.

"And you really don't mind that I like wearing women's clothes?" asked Severus softly, pushing himself closer to the blond wizard.

"Of course I don't mind, you look wonderful. You should wear that dress more often. Dark blue suits you." Winked Lucius and gently kissed the pale forehead.

"Besides, I love you no matter what you like to wear. I love you all the way," he added in a murmur and pulled Severus into the bedroom with him.

"I love you too. ...With all your edges." The Healer murmured against the chest in front of him as they made themselves comfortable in bed.
"Well, I hope so." Lucius said sarcastically and got a slight rib trill in return.

"I love you, you idiot." Said Severus and snuggled closer to him.
Lucius shook his head in amusement and stroked the scarred back until its owner fell peacefully asleep.

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