Capivity or Freedom III

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Heyy Guys!

That's the final part of the Tomarry Oneshots.
Hope you enjoy! ;)


A few days later Harry came bouncing into Tom's office with good news.

He yanked open the door and said loudly: "I've realised so many things now!"

He blushed instantly when he noticed his parents, who were apparently also waiting for the Dark Lord and had probably decided to pass the time with hot kisses.

Severus sat on Sirius' lap and embellished his neck with a few love marks.

But he interrupted his activity and looked at his son, who had turned away in embarrassment.

"Harry, little one. What have you realised?" asked Sirius, now curious, and Harry began to stammer.

"Well... so... ahm I figured out how to defeat Chicken Senior.

And... well... that, ...well, that I've fallen in love with Tom too, for better or worse."

Harry looked at the floor, but flinched a little later as Severus stood up and walked towards him.

"Harry...that's wonderful. We're so happy for you. I know from Tom that he's already told you. So I suspect he'll be even happier." Smirked Severus and took him in his arms.

The 17-year-old snuggled up to one of his fathers and Sirius also joined in the hug not a second later.

That was how Tom found them when he strolled unsuspectingly into his office.

"What kind of meeting is this?" he asked, amused, and Harry told him what he had found out about Dumbledore.

"I see. So you want us to let Dumbledore and his Order, except Tonks, Remus and the Twins go to the knife?"

Harry nodded. "I want to take the Weasleys and Hermione to Azkaban and see Dumbledore dead."

"And how are you going to do that?" Lucius, who had now also appeared in Tom's office, interjected.

"Hmm... well, I've been thinking that our first step will be to infiltrate the Ministry. Then from there we can have all the houses "investigated" by mudbloods, whereby they will not survive our "visit". We can then blame their deaths on Mister Soup Chicken and thus justify why he gets the Dementor's kiss."

"And the Weasleys and Granger we can take to Azkaban for cheating on you." Severus interjected with an ominous smile that sent a chill down more than just Tom's spine. However, Harry recovered a little faster.

"I think this plan is wonderful. Two birds with one stone," Tom said and grinned.

Later that evening, Tom and Harry lay in bed together and the older man read to the young man from a potion book.

Harry kept glancing at the lord, who couldn't help noticing the glances, but he stifled a grin.

"You... Tom?" Harry drew attention to himself and addressed looked at him expectantly.

"I've been thinking. For a long time I puzzled and came to a conclusion." During Harry's little speech, so much seriousness resonated, that Tom now looked anxiously at the younger man.

"I love you." Now it was out and Tom was beaming with the sun.

"Oh Harry... I love you too my angel." He breathed and captured Harry's lips in a soft kiss.

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