Remy II (Wolfstar)

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"Come on!" called Sirius, waiting impatiently until his boyfriend was with him.
He immediately pulled him forward by the hand.

The next day had dawned and so it was now Sirius' task to lead Remus through the castle.
He smiled shyly as the young Black intertwined their fingers and they wandered through Hogwarts.

Some students stared at them a little confused, but only the Muggle-born, seemed to really mind that two boys held hands and when they stopped, kissed from time to time.
In the Wizarding World, homophobia was almost non-existent and everyone was very open-minded.

Remus, who had of course noticed the indignant looks, wanted to step away from Sirius, but he prevented it.
"Let them think whatever they want, we have nothing to be ashamed of. If a few people don't want to accept our relationship, they're more or less on their own there."

The werewolf nodded somewhat reassured and leaned back against his boyfriend.
Their path had led them to the library, where they had taken a seat.

Remus loved books and was now lying with one on Sirius' lap.
Quite comfortable, actually, the wolf thought to himself and continued to read in a relaxed manner.

Sirius grinned and let his hands continue to run through the younger boy's wispy hair.
He looked around and spotted a group of first-years who kept looking over at them and then whispering.

Sirius gave them a death stare and they went quiet.
But suddenly he heard a remark that made his blood boil.
"I bet the poof made the new boy do it. He would never have done it voluntarily."

Remus, who had heard this, felt everything fall out of his face.
Uncertainly, he looked to his boyfriend, who looked like he was plotting murder.
"Sirius..." he whispered softly.

The latter looked down and then gently stroked his face.
"Can you wait outside for a moment?"
Remus raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" he asked, a little afraid of Sirius' next words.

"Because I don't want you to have to see this."
Alarmed, the werewolf sat up.
Then he shook his head in panic.
"Absolutely not. There's no point in physically threatening them."

A giggle distracted them. The children laughed at them and now Sirius had had enough.
Slowly he walked up to the group and grabbed one of the boys by the collar of his uniform and hissed softly.
"If I hear anything negative about us again, I will personally see to it that you are expelled from the school."

Fearfully, the latter nodded and fled instantly as soon as he was let go.
The others quickly followed him and Remus had to stifle a laugh.

"What did you tell them?" He wanted to know curiously.
"Oh, just that I'd have them thrown out of school personally if they didn't leave us alone."

Remus snorted in amusement.
"Well they're easy to impress," he laughed and Sirius grinned.

Not a day later, the Black was summoned to the headmaster's office.

"Mister Black, a complaint has been made about you. For bullying.
Is there anything to it?" Dumbledore wanted to know.

Sirius laughed.
"Well, how you want to look at it. If a few kind words against homophobic statements are bullying, then yes."

The Headmaster suddenly lost all his grandfatherly warmth in his eyes.
"I take it it was a group of first year Rawenclaw."

Sirius nodded, blushing abruptly with anger as he thought back to the words the boy had uttered.

"Mister Black," Dumbledore brought him out of his thoughts, "I will personally look into the matter and if anything like this happens again, you can count on me."

The student nodded slightly, thanked him and disappeared out the door.
His path led him to his and Remus' dormitory, where the werewolf was already waiting anxiously.

"Did everything go well?" He wanted to know as soon as he saw Sirius step through the door.
The Black smiled reassuringly and gave him a soft kiss on the full lips.

"Yes baby, all is well. Dumbles has assured us of his support should anything like this happen again."

Remus blinked several times before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and kissing him profusely.
Meanwhile, Sirius couldn't believe his luck.

Remus snuggled into the crook of Sirius's neck and had to be careful not to cry.
Until now, he had only known the feeling of rejection and hatred.
But the fact that the headmaster helped them and didn't expel them from school was proof for Remus: there were good people after all.

"Rem." Sirius brought him out of his thoughts.
"Is everything okay? Why are you crying?"

Concerned, he stroked Remus' cheeks.
The latter didn't have the faintest idea when he had started crying.
The wolf looked at him before he began to smile happily.

This boy was incredible.

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