Kontrversal Love (Ron x Draco)

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This ship was requested by una_pelotuda_mas4!

Hope yall like it <3

Late in the afternoon, the Malfoy was jolted out of his desk work when someone rang the doorbell incessantly.
Confused and a little annoyed, he made quick work of opening the flat door.

No sooner had he opened it than his face contorted into an incredulous mask.
Standing right in front of him was Ron Weasley, tears streaming down his cheeks.

He had spoken to the golden trio after the war and had built up a friendly relationship over the months.
Ron had come out to him and confessed that he was gay.
Of course, the blond didn't mind, as he was also into men.

Worried, he led the redhead into the fireplace room, where one of the house elves had lit the wood.

Draco noticed that his counterpart was shivering badly, so he gently placed a fluffy blanket over him.
"Okay." he said. "Take a deep breath and calm down. When you feel ready, you can tell me what happened."

Ron did just that and he smiled gratefully.
"I-I told my parents today that I was gay. They... they didn't take it too well and Ginny and Percy yelled at me too. They said that... that such feelings were abnormal and that I would never be a part of their family again."
Ron swallowed and continued.

"They disinherited me and kicked me out when I told them who I was in love with. I guess that finished them off. Scum like me shouldn't exist."

Draco had listened in dismay and now pulled him into a tight hug.
"Don't listen to them. Your parents don't even know what they're saying. You're wonderful. Just the way you are and just because your parents won't accept that doesn't mean it's true." He whispered softly in Ron's ear.

He would have to restrain himself from getting goose bumps, because it wasn't quite that simple.
Draco noticed this and smirked.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were in love with me."
He teased him lightly and the Weasley immediately blushed.

Hastily, he pulled away from the hug and looked sheepishly at his hands.
"Ahm-... uh, so?" he stuttered, biting his lips.
"That's basically true." He admitted quietly and Draco smiled.

Gently, he placed a hand on Ron's cheek and gently forced him to look him in the eye.
Slightly, he opened his lips and pressed them tenderly against the other pair.

Shocked, the Gryffindor wrenched his eyes open, but quickly dropped into them. Muffled, he groaned and returned the kiss.
He couldn't believe it, his crush was KISSING him right now!

Draco's hands moved into his slightly longer hair and pulled him closer and closer. He was only too happy to give in and sit on his lap.

Gasping, they parted and Ron looked at him with flushed cheeks.
Draco smiled affectionately and leaned his forehead against his friend's.

"What is it between us now?" Ron asked and Draco smirked.


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