Hunt (Bill x Harry)

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⚠️This representation of werewolves is based on my own imagination and is not represented as in this universe!!!⚠️

Also many of my Oneshots are requested in the comments, so don't be shy! <3

Hope yall enjoy!

Damn, Harry thought to himself, as he was ordered by Filch to fetch some herbs for Poppy from the Forbidden Forest alone.

Annoyed and armed with a flashlight that he had received from Hagrid, he had been trudging through the forest for an hour now, looking for that damn herb.
Through the fine layers of leaves, the full moon provided enough light to guide his way, and he had to be careful not to look around at the slightest crack.

Yes, the forest was certainly forbidden for a reason, yet he did not believe that a wild animal would attack him just like that.
A multiple loud growl shattered his belief within seconds, as he was suddenly surrounded by a large pack of wolves.

He even thought he recognised some of them. He knew running away was probably not the best of his ideas, but he was panicking.
Stressed by the dark growling that seemed to come menacingly from all sides, he dashed forward and actually managed to escape the sharp claws. Now he ran and did not stop even when his lungs began to sting in protest.

Only when he heard nothing more, his legs did come to a stop, but at that moment a slightly smaller brown wolf lunged at him and he was pulled to the ground.
A smooth wolf tongue licked at his neck before he was bitten completely unexpectedly.

He squeezed his eyes shut in panic, but instead of the expected pain, a pleasant warmth spread through him and the creature on top of him howled.
Even though he knew nothing about dogs or even wolves, it still sounded pleased.

Suddenly the weight on his back disappeared and he heard rustling around him.
Greedily he drew the cold air into his lungs before he looked up and saw humans with wolf ears.

Confused, he turned and saw a young man in his late twenties. Also with the furry ears.
He smiled at him and reached for Harry's hand.
The stranger allowed him to stroke his ears and even closed his amber eyes in satisfaction.

Slowly, the werewolf came closer until he stood completely in front of Harry and hugged him.
He buried his nose in the crook of the student's neck and drew in his scent while Harry stood paralysed and continued to stroke the appendages.

Behind him he heard a suppressed chuckle, which caused him to jerk away and stare at the leader.
"Well done, my son, may your love carry you through to eternity."

After these words, which more than puzzled him, he looked closely at his counterpart and it struck him that he had seen the werewolf somewhere longer before.

"Bill Weasley?" he asked therefore, but the other only shook his head.
"Bill Greyback is right. Fen is my father I was only placed with the Weasleys through injury. Hearty people."

Harry nodded in understanding and inquired about the Mate-thing. Bill explained to him that there was only one particular person they were bonded to from birth and he just needed to be bitten for the bond to be completed.

Harry thought it was a bit strange that Bill had bitten him without asking, but he was also happy that he now had someone who cared about him.

After a while, the whole pack changed back and Bill let his young mate sit on his back, as he still had to learn to change.

They returned to their usual sleeping places, which consisted of small huts protected with many spells, in which they lived.

Since Bill preferred to sleep in his wolf form, Harry snuggled up against Bill's fluffy belly and relaxed into the land of dreams.

Bill smiled happily and snorted contentedly.

Finally his!

Harry Potter and the book of oneshots (English translation)Where stories live. Discover now