Regret (Jeverus)

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With his cloak flowing behind, Severus walked briskly to his private chambers.
All the students who crossed his path jumped to the side and let him pass.

Finally in his rooms, the Slytherin threw the door shut with all his might and took off his heavy boots.

He quickly summoned a bottle of firewhiskey and drank a hearty gulp.

The warm liquid burned its way down his throat and he sank down onto the black leather sofa in front of the fireplace, sighing.

"Severus, my boy. What happened?"

By now, the Potions Master wasn't at all surprised to see Albus standing in the middle of his rooms. It came in very handy just then.

Staring stubbornly into the flames, Severus thought.
"I fucked up, Albus."

The headmaster said nothing, sank down next to him on the couch and put his hand on his back paternally.

"Is that so?" he asked and Severus buried his face in both hands.

"The boy hates me and he saw Fluffy's bite wound. And it's my fault."

Albus Dumbledore fell silent and gently stroked a few pitch-black strands of hair from his face.

"The fact that Harry saw the bite is not the end of the world. The other thing, on the other hand," there was a small pause. "is a problem."


No sooner had the white-bearded wizard spread his arms than Severus had thrown himself into them, crying out all his despair.

"Shh... he will forgive you. I'm sure he will. And if he doesn't, I'll straighten out his stubborn little head, don't worry about that."

It was the first time Severus had cried with him in years, but it filled him with pride. He hadn't adopted the Potions Master when he turned 12 for nothing.

"I should be going then." Sighed the old man, holding him by the shoulders so he could get up.

"Dad?" Albus was about to turn to leave when he heard the words whispered softly.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything. Love you."
A single tear ran down the Headmaster's cheek before he turned for one last hug.

"I love you too, my boy. I'm proud of you." He hugged him tightly once more before letting him go.

With a soft click, the door closed.
Severus smiled wistfully.

"Sev?" A tall man entered the cosy living room and sat down beside him.

"He'll understand when you explain who you are. Who we are."

James Potter tilted his head and kissed the potions master on the forehead.
"He'll understand."

"Mister Potter, you stay."

This one sentence was difficult for Severus and even though he was afraid, he was also nervous.

A feeling the Potions Master had only felt a few times in his life. 

When he had asked James Potter out on their first date, and when he had proposed to him. Not to forget, of course, the first time he came to Hogwarts, but, who wasn't excited then.

"Professor Snape, what do you want?" Harry glared defiantly at the teacher, ignoring the fact that he was obviously in thought.

Severus cleared his throat.
"Well...Harry. Follow me, I want to show you something."

The Gryffindor frowned a little in confusion, but followed the professor. Even though he felt a little sick to his stomach.

Together with his student, he entered his private rooms and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Honey? You can come, he's here."

Harry swallowed audibly and Severus tried a reassuring smile, which apparently didn't work as he had hoped.

Green eyes stared at him in horror through large glasses. Oh great.

At that moment, the oak door opened and out stepped a James Potter, as he was known from the photos.

"D-Dad? But, but how? How is that possible, and then you're of all things with SNAPE?!"

He looked back and forth between the suited men in disbelief.

"I think we'll move this to the living room." Smiling amiably, James walked back down the corridor they had just come from.

"So, Harry. You need to know, our best friend Lily, has been killed by Voldemort. To protect Lily, Sev and I decided that I would pretend to be Lily's husband. The Potter name was very highly regarded in my day and no questions were asked.When you-know-who travelled to Godric's Hollow, I was with Sev. That day we had a date and Lily covered for me so I could spend more time with my friend.

I couldn't save her, and I'm sorry you had to learn the truth like that. I hope we can be a family to you, even if neither of us are perfect."

Harry was shocked, a tiny bit angry and immensely relieved.

"I-I would love to be able to call you my fathers. Does Professor Dumbledore know about this, not that you'll get into any more trouble."

James beamed with the sun at this statement and Severus gave him a happy smile.

"Da- Albus knows about us and supports us fully. Thank you and I'm sorry for acting the way I did, but I have my reasons. I hope you can forgive me."

In response, the green-eyed one pulled them into a tight hug.
"I couldn't imagine anything better than being with you."

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