I just wanna be your boy (Tomarry)

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This oneshot is based on a comment!
Hope you all like it <3

Harry stood in his room and looked in the mirror. Cautiously, he peered at the door and listened.

There was always something going on in Riddle Manor, so he had to be careful that no one came through the door.

When he was sure, he unbuttoned his shirt and tightened his binder. He thought of his boyfriend Tom, with whom he had already slept, but had always made sure it was dark. The penis prosthesis was a everyday life for him.

He was about to put his shirt back on when there was a knock. He couldn't look that quickly, Tom was already in the room and saw the skin-coloured binder through the half-tied shirt.

"Honey-" He faltered in mid-sentence and stared at his boyfriend.
With slow steps he approached and stroked the left strap.

Forlornly he looked down at his fingers, which rested on the rough material.
Then his gaze shot upwards, where Harry had to suppress a sob.

Tears swam in his eyes and his chest felt like it was constricting. He had trouble breathing and immediately reached to his side to adjust the binder to its previous size.

This only helped to a certain extent. He turned away and fled to the dressing room.
There, with trembling fingers and shallow breathing, he grabbed his things.

His mind raced. He knew he couldn't stay. As much as he loved Tom, he had blown it. He had to leave.

Meanwhile, Tom stood frozen in the same spot, not knowing what to think.
Suddenly a jolt went through him and he moved towards the door in which his friend had recently disappeared. He froze.

There on the floor Harry had curled up, his clothes were lying around him and he was sobbing heartbreakingly.
His shirt was now completely closed again and he had his stuffed bear pressed tightly against his chest.

Tom had given it to him for his 16th birthday, in case Harry needed it when he was lonely.

"Harry..." he asked cautiously and his heart tightened as Harry cried even more in response.

"I just want you to know that I would love to help you and I want you to be free of your binder as soon as possible."

Harry looked at him in confusion. Sniffling, he sat down too and wiped away his tears with his sleeve.

Tom sat down in front of him and smiled reassuringly. His brown eyes shone sadly.
"Do you think I don't notice when you wear a prosthetic? Didn't you ever notice that I touched you as little as possible on the chest area when I felt the fabric?"

Tom smiled at the surprised look on his little one's face.
"I know and it's okay. I'm just trying to help you. I happen to know a potion that permanently changes gender. It means you can finally be whoever you want."

Now Harry was beaming all over and threw himself into Tom's arms.
He laughed liberatedly and cuddled him.

"Thank you." He heard a soft whisper and only wrapped his arms tighter around his boyfriend.
"I'm always here for you, sweetheart."

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