Every Year (Snarry, SMUT) (2/2)

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Heyy Guys!

I'm sorry it's so late.
A light flu caught me or I caught the flu xD
Today it's a little bit better.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Love u all <33

"I love you, Sev." Harry murmured, performing an elegant turn before sinking back into Severus' arms.

After endless greetings and unnecessary conversation, they had now reached Harry's favourite part of the evening.

The New Year's dance.

The dark-haired man squinted over Severus' shoulder at the dance floors and smiled when he saw Lucius Malfoy and Anthony Francesco literally floating on it.

The blond was an excellent dancer, he was aware of that, and Anthony completed the picture.

He moved smoothly to the beat of the music.

"Don't get distracted, dear." Severus whispered in his ear and spun them instantly.

"We wouldn't want you to trip." You could hear the other's smug grin coming out clearly, but Harry was braced.

The music changed to a slow and romantic rhythm and the younger pulled Severus into a deep kiss.

At the same time, he played with the remote control of the plug Severus was still wearing.

Never before had the Potions Master been so pleased by a kiss from Harry, as the former student's lips muffled his not-so-silent moans.

Slowly they disengaged.
"Harry, please not here. We have another hour and then we can go home."

After that one hour, Harry couldn't wait to get home.

The small cottage was just outside London and could be reached quickly by apparation.

As soon as they had crossed the threshold, nothing could stop the 19-year-old.
Severus couldn't even look that quickly before he was already rid of his things.

"Do you know how sexy you look in a suit?" He murmured and slowly kissed his way down his pale chest.

The potions master 'mhhed' and buried his face in his lover's unruly hair.

"You didn't look so bad yourself." He murmured, clawing into Harry's back with a groan.

He had almost forgotten about the plug again.

Reassuringly, the younger one stroked his back and pampered Severus' V-line with kisses and light bites.

"Harry, please!" Frantically, he leaned against the wall behind him.
"Shh..., baby. It's all good, relax. Let yourself go, I'll handle this."

Thoughtfully, Harry stroked the hot length in front of him and kissed it tenderly.
Of course, this drove Severus completely mad, however, he recollected himself and remained calm.

He was almost there, just a little more and... Harry gave another gentle kiss to the shiny tip before he turned his attention to the red-kissed lips again.

"How do you want it today, huh?"
Harry always asked him that, knowing full well that Severus was insecure, at least about sex, and he didn't want his darling to feel uncomfortable.

"Slowly." Came the quiet reply and Harry murmured in agreement.
Still kissing, they stumbled into their bedroom and immediately the black-haired man was pressed onto the bed.

With gentle bites, Harry indulged his entire upper body and blindly reached for the tube of lube on the nightstand.

Slowly, he brought a finger coated with the gel to Severus' entrance and immediately noticed that he tensed up.

With his free hand, he stroked the Potions Master's sides and tenderly kissed his belly.

Gently, he penetrated with the second finger and quickly followed with a third.

"Go on, Harry!" begged Severus and the younger man smirked.

"Didn't you want it slow?"
Pleading eyes looked at him and he knew he could never resist that look.

One last kiss before he gently entered him.
Severus moaned in pleasure and buried his hands in his boyfriend's mane.

Faster and faster Harry thrust and faster and faster they approached their climax.

With a cry, Severus poured himself over their bodies and pulled the other over the cliff with him.

Exhausted, Harry collapsed on top of him and rolled onto his side.
The Potions Master quickly took him in his arms.
"So, how did you find the evening, darling?"

Harry laughed softly and snuggled closer to the warm body.


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