Nocturnal Visitor (Sirius x Severus)

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Snape x Black = Snack?

Boredom + creative boost = OS ;)

Enjoy! <33

It must have been past midnight when 16-year-old Sirius Black heard a knock at the door of his dormitory.

He frowned in confusion and looked around the room. Prongs was in his bed, as was Moony.

Everyone was there. No one was missing, but who else was? Lily? Possible.

But when the door opened a little with a soft creak, young Black saw not flaming red hair, but pitch black.

A bewildered Severus Snape in pyjamas and with a head pad under his arm stood in her room.

"Snape?!" Whispered Sirius, upset. "What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?!"

"L-lily gave me the password. I-I was sent here"

The sentence sounded more like a question and unsettled the Slytherin student even more.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, the Gryffindor spoke.
"Okay... well, I think we both know now that I certainly didn't write you a letter or anything like that and since I don't want you running into Filch, you can stay here."

Surprise flitted across the, normally, stoic features and Severus slowly took one step at a time.

"Feel free to walk faster, I won't change my mind."

Immediately his head snapped up and the pace increased minimally. Why was Sirius being so nice to him?

"Thanks." Mumbled the younger and slipped under the folded back covers to join Sirius.
"No worries." He mumbled back and turned to the side.

"You, Sirius?" Came the whisper after a while.

"Why didn't you kick me out? I mean, you've been bullying me since first year here and now I'm lying next to you in your dorm."

Sirius was silent. He wasn't so sure about the 'why' himself.
What was clear to him was, he hadn't been able to send the boy with the slightly red eyes back to his tower.

"Tell me, is it possible that you've been crying?" He therefore asked her counter question.
The Black felt the thin body tense up and want to slide further away, but Sirius did not allow this.

Quickly, the student had turned again and grabbed the black-haired boy by the waist.

"Tell me the truth, please. Did. You. Cried." His voice was slightly urgent, but also gentle.

Barely recognisable, the Slytherin nodded, already bracing himself inwardly for scorn, so he winced slightly as he was pressed closer to Sirius.

"A nightmare?" Again he earned a nod.
"Do you want to tell me what it was about?"

A panicked no was the answer. Fine, then, no.

"That's okay. You don't have to tell me. I can understand why you don't trust me. I've been teasing and embarrassing you all these years."

The Animagus paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry. And so is James. He was jealous of you and Lily, but when she said yesterday that you were like a brother to her and vice versa, he was shocked for a moment.

He- We thought all along that you had a crush on Lil's, you know. Like I said, Jamie has a huge crush on her and he wanted to keep you away from her."

Severus and Sirius too were silent for a few minutes, indulging their thoughts.

"Potter has nothing to worry about, I'm not into women."
This little statement clearly threw the older one off.

"Hmm... really didn't think so. Cool. I'm not averse to either."

Severus mumbled something Sirius didn't understand and snuggled closer to him.

"No one knows yet. Not even Luc or Reg, you're the only one." Severus said more clearly now.

With those words, he fell asleep.
Sirius smiled slightly, pulled the covers tighter around them and followed Severus into the land of dreams.


James' loud scream literally threw the Black out of bed.

"What's who doing- oh."
Ashamed, he looked at the boy who had flown out of bed with him.

Severus blinked sleepily and looked around before his eyes fell on James and Remus and he panicked, trying to tear himself away from Sirius' clinging blanket.

"Wait, let me do that."

Gently, Sirius developed the piece of fabric and placed it around his shoulder.

A slight smile played around the corners of his mouth and he pulled her tighter against him.

"Will you explain why Snivellus is in YOUR bed? With you and you don't seem to care!"

Sirius glanced quickly at the Slytherin, who had clearly tensed at his 'nickname'.

"Severus fell for someone's prank and was standing in our dormitory last night. I didn't want him running into Filch's knife."

"I see." James still looked unconvinced. "And that's why you let him sleep here?"

Embarrassed, Sirius scratched his head. "Er...yes?"
James sighed.
"I guess I'll never understand what Sirius Black sees in Severus Snape."

The bespectacled man only now realised what he had said, for Black had turned bright red and was stuttering something under his breath.

"You... What?!" Perplexed, Severus stared at the boy, who was desperately trying to tie his hair into a bun so as not to look him in the eye.

"Siri's had a crush on you since last year." Remus said dryly, but smiled kindly.

He had always liked the boy and just like Lily, he was also against James and Sirius' pranks.

"Is that true?"
Quickly, the dog Animagus nodded and Severus walked slowly towards him.

Meanwhile, James and Moony made their way out to give them some privacy.

"I'm sorry." Sobbing quietly, he buried his face in his hands.

The black-haired man smiled gently and put a hand on Black's shoulder.

Slowly, he leaned forward.
"Who says I don't feel the same way?" 

Then he lifted the Gryffindor's head and sealed their lips in a tender kiss, which only ended when they flew over Sirius' ceiling.

Laughing and out of breath, they lay on the floor and Severus nestled into the crook of the older's neck and smiled blissfully.

He wished for no other place than in Sirius' arms.

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